The one thing about my neurotype that bothers me sometimes is my night owlness.
If I have no mandated early morning thing I will not go to sleep. Despite my best intentions to do that. Just today I had a free day, but had a morning appointment and by noon I was amazed at *all the day I have left *because I got up sooner.
I love nights. I love the darkness and the solitude, I love how silent it is and how safe and like myself I feel when everyone else is sleeping. And I’ve always been like this. As a kid I read books in bed until morning, as I grew up I watched whatever was on on tv until the wee hours. There were the gaming years as well and now I browse the internet.
There is no real point to this rant. I suppose it would just be nice to have more time in my freedays, but I also don’t want to give up my nights of solitude or patholozise what I have always been like.
My partner is a morning person and us both being neurospicy we had a deal when our kid was growing up that he did the mornings and I did the afternoon/evening parenting. Best deal I ever made.:D