Biden is a lame duck president with NO PUBLIC MANDATE and subterranean approval rating, he got ousted by his own party before the election for being mentally incapacitated, his defense against a Justice Department inquiry is he’s too old and senile, his party just got BTFO in a national election. No NATO or NATO proxies have ever launched long range missiles into Russia in living memory. How is this guy fit for office
STOP EATING CRAYONS AND DO YOUR FUCKING JERB. “Senile old man sends young people to WW3 out of spite”
We have already seen what a NATO vs. Russia war looks like, in Ukraine, and Russia won
xD NATOs multi decade old stock pile has exposed Russia as the worlds weakest ‘super power’
Are Patriot SAMs “old stock piles”? How about HIMARs? Keep coping, it’s NATOs main tech that has been defeated. If they had better drones, they would have used them by now
Yes HIMARS is old, Ukraine doesn’t have anywhere near any of the latest missiles for the HIMARA system. In fact, I think all the ATACMS we sent them are end of life and we’re about to be decommissioned.
Patriot is newer and has been working well, they just don’t have enough systems to cover all of Ukraine.
You seem to be the one coping, I haven’t once stated Ukraine has won or is winning and you keep saying Russia is winning when if you look at all the open source data, it’s obvious both sides are taking massive losses and nobody is winning.
Russia has knocked out over a dozen Patriot missile batteries. Russian missiles have free reign over all Ukrainian skies without any anti-air defense. You are in a deluded world. Russia is not taking “massive losses” that’s made up fake cope from Western Media.
xD okay, you’ve convinved me NATO lost and so did the west, I’m moving to Russia or NK. Maybe Belarus, It’s hard to pick since the quality of life is so much worse in all of those countries than almost the entire west, but I can’t live in a loser country like this anymore.
Do you live in one of these beautiful countries?
Honestly, I would rather live in North Korea or Russia than in this slowly crumbling empire shithole founded on genocide, slavery, eugenics, and the perfecting of exploitation, surrounded by the most pasty, pathetic, and propagandized motherfuckers the world has ever known, which you are testament to seeing as you thought Ukraine was winning this, lol. Of course I would have to give up a lot of treats to live in NK, but the treats here are mostly garbage anyway, and at least I’d have an actual sense of community and not have to exist as an atomized drone in a rotting wasteland of billboards, fast"food" franchises and traffic-jammed SUVs from horizon to horizon. Moving to Russia would probably feel like a mostly lateral shift in QoL, but it must be nice to live in a country with a rich history of killing nazis instead of saving, funding, idolizing, and actually you know, being nazis.
Whatever though. It sure was fun watching @[email protected] completely fucking school you on basic shit your coping ass kept pathetically trying to deny.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean once again I never said Ukraine was winning, why do you guys keep making things up?
But Z_Poster did convince me that NATO lost, so you know you guys win. I’m convinced!
You probably thought Ukraine was winning for 2 years, listening to your western sources, and now are totally confused why everyone now admits Russia has won, even your own sources.
Don’t you ever question why the entire war turned upside down in an instant and people with shovels somehow defeated NATO?