She got half of Burgerland to think that everything they don’t like is Russian propaganda, that the evil Russians helped Trump steal the 2016 election, Russia Russia Russia, it’s the ultimate thought-terminating cliche now. And even in the face of cold, hard evidence to the contrary (ie: Mueller report, off the top of my head) Libs just stomp their feet and insist that it’s still RUSSIAAAAA!!!1
I guess Bill O’Riely would be the Republican equivalent of her, but his oafishness and toxic masculinity got the best of him and he ended up losing everything got a multi-million dollar severance package from Fox News and then faded into irrelevancy.
Seriously though, I can’t think of anybody that could rival Maddow in terms of how effectively she brainwashed tens of millions of Burgerlanders into believing an absolute, absurd fantasy. You can’t have anything that resembles a level-headed discussion with any Lib anymore, largely due to her influence (and others of course, but I feel like she’s the most prominent figure in this regard).
Can you think of anyone that could rival her impact? Who else would be in the same league of propagandists in this day?
EDIT: Obviously I forgot to mention Tucker Carlson, but he also got kicked off Fox lol
John Stewart was a cheerleader for norms and civility from about 2002-2015. He defined what as worthy of ridicule (Kucinich, Chelsea Manning, occupy movement) and ultimately what was worthy of respect .
What was his problem with Chelsea Manning lmao
I think it was something like “yeah war crimes are bad, but leaking secrets that put service members in danger is unacceptable.” It’s civility, but with the chain of command.
Ahh yes the old “endangering the troops” hobby horse they trot out to silence dissent, protest, or opposition. A charge they never level against the generals and emperors, kings and presidents, and fitting because of the topic of this thread, propagandists. The ones responsible for putting the troops in harms way to begin with.
The picture of Abu Ghraib and the Collateral Murder video radicalised young me to the point where that’s my reaction.
Why isn’t it an emoji?
I think Chelsea served more time than any of the abu ghraib torturers (And obviously the commanders actually responsible for abu ghraib were never held responsible)
It’s been requested a couple of times but @[email protected] won’t do it
i’m super overloaded with school stuff until december, any emotes that I have added since like august are ones i just squeeze in there when I have a minute
Sorry, I was not aware! Please don’t take it as anything more than good-natured ribbing, I appreciate all you do for this site
CD-i Zelda says “no war but the class war, Link.”
Sure their job is to be endangered and every boot worshipper is constantly using that as justification for why they should be the only ones with rights and shit, but also hOW DARE anything put them in danger.