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    4 months ago

    The reasons for being uncomfortable lead to the actions taken when uncomfortable. It’s like going to the doctor and feeling “pressure” which can range from a slight jab of the finger to find out where it hurts to having your elbow being shoved back into your socket. In this case, being aware of issues, wanting to be part of the solution and feeling welcome is very different from being called the problem, regardless of background and intentions, and being treated as an enemy that has to be subdued. Two very different types of “discomfort”.

    The patriarchy still exists, and the only people that can dismantle it are men because they hold the institutional power to do so.

    I disagree. Just like with climate change, politics, pollution and so much more, there is rarely (if ever) one single point in the system that has power to change it. The majority gives in to the system, then blames it without trying to change themselves first. Women make up ~50% of the population and will consistently vote candidates who do not represent their interests. The same goes for ecologists, left-wingers, anti-establishment types, anti-corporation voters, and so on. We are, at heart, short-sighted, tribal egoists unable to comprehend the power we hold in numbers. Instead tearing each other down while the rich few can control us in our disarray.

    These alt-right “influencers” have learned how to take advantage of the fact that these young men don’t want to put the work in to make the women around them feel safe.

    This is exactly what I’m talking about in my first paragraph. A sweeping, condescending generalization about young men that paints them lazy, disinterested, and dumb. Do you really that’s how you win over anybody? Do you think if I said “hey, princessnorah, you lack the mental capacity to comprehend my words, but that’s OK, you’re a woman, so I’ll spell it out for you” that would be a good start to a discussion? Probably not. So why do you think it’s the right approach to convince young men?