Image ID

ID: A poster in 3 segments, 2 at the top and one bellow:

  1. The text “if we wait for the government it will be too late” above a drawing of 4 people meeting in an airconditioned building. One is Grey and is smiling and showing love to the others, saying “I love you guys!”. The 3 others are red, who is smoking a cigar, green holding a bag of cash, and yellow wearing a top hat represent gas oil and coal respectively.

  2. The text “if we act as individuals it will be too little” above a drawing of a person in a small but flourishing garden, they are holding up an apple they got from one of their trees, saying " Such… beauty!" with sparkly eyes. Beyond their fence to the left is an incoming tsunami, to the right are a field and trees on fire with bellowing smoke.

  3. The text “if we act as communities it might just be enough” above a drawing of several groups of people outside. From left to right, there are 3 people standing around a produce table that has a sign above it saying “crop swap on today!”, next to it is a small cabinet marked “seed library”. On the ground in the centre foreground are an adult and 3 children sitting around a campfire, the kids listening intently, the adult has the Australian Aboriginal flag on their shirt. Behind them are an adult and child getting a pizza out of an outdoor oven. To the right is a stall with a sign above it saying “refugees welcome”, in front of it are two adults, one is wearing a head scarf and is holding a baby. In front of the stall are 4 rows of crops growing from the ground.

Quote by Rob Hopkins in “From what is to what if”

Credit: @brenna-quinlan

    4 months ago

    Jesus nonexistent Christ, dude! Use paragraphs, please!

    Your walls of text are reader-unfriendly to the point of almost being hostile!