Okay, so is it like happybadger said, people are actively hostile towards her? I feel like she’s had some pretty funny bits over the years and good contribution but kinda just gets drown out by the boy’s.
I kinda like all of them, the new guy is pretty funny but I get really pissed when he uses the r-slur. That shit needs to stop. I heard them saying it on trueanon the other day too.
amber rollo is matt’s wife.
amber frost is a chapo host who has been infrequently on the podcast for the past few years, but used to be on every episode.
That’s too confusing. They should be the same person. I feel betrayed by this podcast.
are u fucking kidding me
how can there be 2 ambers
that’s 2 more ambers than i’ve ever known
Okay, so is it like happybadger said, people are actively hostile towards her? I feel like she’s had some pretty funny bits over the years and good contribution but kinda just gets drown out by the boy’s.
some people don’t like her, just like any public figure I think.
I think she does get more hate than the guys because she is a woman though.
i don’t really like anyone on the podcast that much except Matt, and the universe robbed us of his wisdom for now. :(
I kinda like all of them, the new guy is pretty funny but I get really pissed when he uses the r-slur. That shit needs to stop. I heard them saying it on trueanon the other day too.
you talking about chris?
Yeah, that guy lol