Context: Richard Spencer supporting Kamala Harris
libs never change, do they?
Ah yes, the Breadtube Method.
fangirl about how superior western liberal democracy is, which isn’t what I tend to associate with neo-nazism
Do you even know anything about the Federal Republic of Germany?
He’s been a resist li-
The person who punched him should’ve
him instead.
Libs are incapable of understanding what that fascist pig means when he says anything.
I have no idea who’s playing who here. Between the nazi, the resist lib, and the “guy with Ukraine flag” it’s genuinely impossible to tell.
What a time to be alive.
Libs being anti-maskers smdh
Seriously though there’s some kind of joke about liberals tearing the mask off and covid anti-maskers but I can’t grasp it.
Not sure if this or the Dick Cheney endorsement is worse. I think the Cheney thing is worse because all the libs are happy about it and Cheney has killed so many people. He seems more bloodthirsty to me.
If you look up – waaaaay up there at the pinpricks of light in the night sky that may be stars or satellites or the sun’s light reflecting off Uranus or what-the-fuck-ever – way up there, that was the bottom of the barrel where the coveted Dick Cheney endorsement once lay.
If Richard Spencer is supporting your movement, maybe take a good hard look inward