Is this show worth watching? Curious about people’s opinions on this show.
It’s got Patti Lupone.
I love Patti Lupone. I’ll watch it now.
Hope you’ll enjoy it
Update: Watched it. Loved it. Thanks for the recommendation!
So I’ve watched all the Marvel stuff, films & TV, and this is the best thing they’ve put out in a long time.
I highly suggest watching WandaVision first as Agatha All Along could be considered a season 2 to that show, but following different characters. Basically connected miniseries.
I’ve seen WandaVision already so I’ll check this out.
Absolutely not. Loki exists and that was the best thing they put out.
This is meh but pretty good meh range for me.Loki season 1 is the best, but after that I put WandaVision and then probably Agatha All Along. So I still think this is the best in a while.
(I like Loki season 2 but it shifts things heavily and while it’s a solid ending to Loki’s story that’s all it has and that leaves a lot of meh episodes between the start and end of the season.)
Oh yeah top 3 for sure. I’d watch casually again but not in a rush to if I had to put it.
The plot seems sorta… It happens cause it was written that way sorta vibe but it’s still fun and the practical stuff works like 99.9% of the time.
I loved Loki season 2 but I liked the shift and think the nature of the story is more satisfying than any of the marvel movies.
I really enjoyed it. The cast was great, the writing was fun, and the production quality was really good. Not an “action” show by any means. It does solid service to the comic books and lore, but not a paint by numbers of an existing story.
I gave up watching marvel shows. It’s gonna lead nowhere anyway and they’ll just make another show about another character no one cares about. Fucking moon knight
This one is supposed to be different
‘Agatha All Along’ Broke the Spell of MCU Misses
I get it. I used to joke, every MCU show ends exactly where it started. I mean they really did. They had to make sure it lined up with the next movie they already had planned so it just had to be sorta filler for those wanting to know what happened in-between movies.
Falcon and winter soldier, starts with shield. Gives up shield. Gets back shield and outfit.
Even wandavision was Scarlett witch runs off because vision dead, Scarlett witch runs off in search of new family vision sorta dead.
But I think the new movies are such a mess and no longer planned with desperation high… They are just winging it and letting the shows go somewhere else.
It still all feels like they have a final goal for all the characters in mind they have to hit but it’s definitely better than nothing happening.
It’s gonna lead nowhere anyway and they’ll just make another show about another character
You mean like how shows and movies work?
Wow, vulture is crappy website. Never visited it before, it’s 1st of November and i already reached my monthly quota.