Vote for the change you want to see.

The Republican party got remade because trumpists showed up and outvoted the party elites. No reason it can’t happen for the Left except for laziness and apathy.

If all the progressives furious about the state of affairs now had shown up for Sanders in 2016, I doubt we’d be in this hellish timeline. Sadly, he needed the young progressive vote to show up.

    4 months ago

    What the fuck are you talking about? Do you just want to act like you’re a victim for no reason, while also acting like you have some moral highground?

    Of course you can vote third party. I’d still do it strategically, but local is where they can actually win and gain influence. You can also vote in the Democrat and third party primaries (if they have them) to get candidates that suit you better.

    Odds are a leftist will run under the Democrat banner, and try to win local primaries, and this is how parties change. They don’t change from presidential elections (usually, Trump arguably did but I’d argue that change was happening for a long time locally first). You need to win local elections and build a power base of enthusiastic voters and experienced politicians (and donors). They usually have to prove themselves locally first, and if you aren’t supporting them then you’re never going to have someone you like in positions of power.