While millions will still vote for the Republican candidate, perhaps hating immigrants more than they love reproductive rights, the only certainty at this point is that many millions more will vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. In the latest ABC News/Ipsos national poll, the Democrat enjoyed a 14% advantage with women over Trump; among women with a college degree, that number rose to 23%; among women voters under 40, it rocketed to 34%.

That, in turn, is causing some MAGA commentators to break from their usual posture of feigned confidence to outright panic.

“Early vote has been disproportionately female,” Charlie Kirk, head of Turning Point USA and helping to lead the Trump campaign’s get-out-the-vote effort, posted on social media. “If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple.”

  • ChronosTriggerWarning@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Here’s a harsh reminder that Trump is farther ahead in the polls than he was with Hillary at this same point in the election.

    (X) Three things:

    1. don’t fucking trust polls. They’re beyond biased at this point.

    2. remember the daily death announcements during COVID? Remember how they got broken down demographically? Because the reds didn’t trust the vaccine, by the 3rd wave, R’s were losing voters at almost a rate of 3:1. And during that same time people were coming of age. Younger people tend to lean left. I can’t find the figures, so, grain of salt, but i recall it being at around 8000 or so a day. So, Maga is losing voters while Dems are gaining voters. Daily. Over an extended period of time…

    3. just look at the rallies. If the race was as close as the polls claim, you’d have similar numbers of attendees for either candidate. But, we’re not seeing that, are we? Kamala is bringing in 75000. I heard the ellipses rally had 100k. What’s Trump getting? 7000? 9000? These numbers just don’t gel.

    Now, I’m not saying this is locked down. Far from it. Go and fucking vote. It needs to be an absolute landslide, and we know maga will still bitch. But don’t trust the billionaire-owned corporate media, which has shown, time and time again, who their favorite is.