Hello and welcome back to my sporadically updated lolita dress blog~ I finally have a bit of a break from assignments and after a particularly nice late night in trachat yesterday I found a couple dresses that I liked enough to inspire a new post.

Today’s dress is Elpress’ Double Rose Petal JSK! Like with dresspost #1’s fish scales, I was mainly drawn to this one through its interesting way of using layered transparent fabric to replicate the look of, well, rose petals. Compared to the fish scales this one is certainly better executed, although I think the scales were a more creative application of the technique. Regardless though it’s a stunning effect, and I love how it looks across all three of the colour options for this dress.

The flower motif of the dress is obviously quite strong, but I particularly love the “sash” of flowers that go across the chest. It is a bit busy, but I think it’s a very lovely look. It’s actually not a sash at all too, but rather a two clips, one at the shoulder and the other at the waist. They’re simply shaped and placed in a way to appear like a sash. This gives the entire dress a huge amount of versatility in its exact design, since you can choose where to place these two clips. The shoulder one in specific is also meant to double as a hair clip which is nice, but unfortunately none of the photos of the dress have it being used as such.

Since these flowers are detachable, it means that the JSK on its own is actually deceptively simple; it’s just the rose petal skirt and two bows with a fishbone corset. But this means the entire dress is actually usable in a lot of different outfits. Thanks to the rose petal skirt, however, it will always bring some of that flower-y flair into any coord you might make.

And this is an aesthetic that can work with many different themes! Among the model pictures here you can see two common ones with the fairy style for the pink model and the pure flower focus of the purple one. But there are other options too, the blue one for instance doesn’t particularly fall into either of these camps, and I could easily see myself trying to create some sort of flower witch coord with this if I had the right hat. Or hell, moving outside the realm of lolita a bit, an elven princess-knight cosplay.

And on the note of hats, this one is very lovely. I believe based on some of the other photos that at least one of these bows is detachable, as some had them placed upon the wig’s braid. Each of the colours is slightly different in its exact flower arrangement. Personally my favourite is this one, I find the double pink roses to be quite striking compared to the others which have colours that don’t pop quite as much. In general the pink is my favourite of these dresses. I’m also very struck by the colour transitions and contrasts of the blue one. The purple, meanwhile has a lovely lavender subtlety to it that I quite love.

  • Grimm@lemmy.zip
    5 months ago

    I am a purple stan as well! The way the skirt is designed to look like petals is so cute.