My mate is selling his car because he got a new one and we agreed on a deposit and payment plan.
I pick up the car on the day before my birthday!!!
Happy birthday to yourself with new wheels!
Thank you!!!
Moving up and on!!! Hell yeah that’s a fantastic gift - and no need to deal with futzing around with sellers and car yards
Exactly! I’ll be happy if I can get 3 or 4 years out of it.
You’d be surprised how long a well car will last as long as it’s not a lemon.
I’m sure you could push it out to 10 years or more if it’s got a good reputation.
Holy crap. Things are moving fast for you!
Yeah when it rains it pours. I try not to get too excited, because fortunes can turn in an instant.
But for the moment, the sun is shining.
eee nice one :)
I’ll be cranking early 2000’s psytrance lol
Hassle free win!!!
Totally! I’ll be driving to the next open mic!!!
yay 🥳
Thank you ❤️
Hell yeah!
So @[email protected] posited an unorthodox application and orientation of onion to a sausage in bread, whereby cutting the onion in rings and encapsulating the snag results in very anchored onion in a sausage in bread situation. Useless Modern god was onion goes under as did the stud, GoonSeagoon was to the side I was on the fence but generally it goes on top. Or so I believed.
Ravens’ method has proven to me tonight that us mere mortals have been doing it wrong the whole time. it is now a 360 degree experience.
You mad bastard. You receive a LemmyGold.
Although I was envisioning deep fried onion rings but that’s just the carnival food fairy whispering in my ear
You are a far from useless modern god with that suggestion.
Wow, this is some dirty, dirty content. Bring it on
Pls add NSFW warning
Oh that is the kind of revelation needed during these trying times. That’s fantastic
Sausage perfection indeed!
This looks like work. Put the onions underneath, on top, I don’t care. It all goes in the same hole.
I feel dirty but also excited
How did I not realise that this is the supreme way of sausage consumption? How?
This configuration is simultaneously SFW (OSHA compliant) and NSFW
It has created a paradox and folded the universe into another dimension
I’ve been in full on security blanket mode today trying to block out reality. This is no good. Yes, some things aren’t going well and it’s overwhelming, but I have to exercise the options I do have and keep things in perspective rather than assuming the worst. This is just temporary.
Okay, out of bed and time to start listing out the things I can do to deal with the things causing me anxiety. #1 is start looking for more places. Time to get on fb after six months and start looking for lease breaks, whatever. Then time to just start looking for a cheap phone to tide me over this stupid total device ban kicking in with the 3G closure.
Text the number 3 to 3498 if you haven’t already, make sure that your phone will be affected before going through the hassleling.
Oh it is 100% affected, reading up on it online it appears that even if I did the required firmware flashes to get it up to the required standard (can make 000 calls on 4G), the telcos are just blocking the model by IMEI regardless. Fark.
I am too overwhelmed to techify my way out of this at short notice. Have a spare, compatible phone that I use for work that I can pop this sim into now so that the service doesn’t get cancelled. Will just order a cheap burner to tide me over until shit is less jangled
path of least resistance is your friend in these situations.
Meh. Crap sleep gang checking in.
I slept all the way through.
Up since 4 🙌
Me too. Bloody alarm ☹️
Present 🙋🏻♀️
Breakfast of Legends
ooh onion below!
Or should it be on top?
The debate rages on.
Whole onion rings should be placed around the sausage, ensuring that the onion is securely anchored and enclosing the entire sausage in oniony goodness.
You’ve unlocked perfection
I think you’ve single handedly settled a centuries old debate.
Ok, that’s hot. 🔥 what would you call it?
I’m strongly aroused at this too!
I actually prefer onion under. It keeps stragglers to a minimum.
Below, so it doesn’t fall off!!
Next to.
On top looks better but under is more secure, so it’s a form/function situation
God help me. I am looking at getting a cat pram for Ted so I can take him walking and easily take him to the vet and groomer. There are also backpacks. 🤔
I am becoming a cat lady. 🤓
also, new dinosaur tshirt and some print jeans have been ordered. :) for me, not Ted tho he would probably look adorbs
I’ve thought about getting the cat backpack but it has to have good cooling and with a little place for her to hide if she wants to.
Do it. The cat pram is so practical, made things so much easier. The $80 generic on eBay does fine (just make sure to line it with something waterproof in case of wee)
Melbcat hated the backpack because it was tall with a narrow base that forced her to sit up. She got very claustrophobic and balled herself up at the bottom anyway even though it was too small for her to comfortably fit.
My thoughts too. Lots of people in the inner city have cat prams because they don’t have cars.
I agree about the catpacks. Ted is a big breed/boy, he’s heavy and big, he wouldn’t be comfortable and I would get a sore back
Sox was carried in a catpack when she came and left my place this time around, she really did not like it and despite being a small cat (just furry) it was not enough for her, she’d have to sit up in it at all times or curl up awkwardly.
I imagine Ted would need a much bigger one that wouldn’t be feasible. A cat pram is a better idea in the city.
can highly recommend it’s where we got Punkin’s chariot from.
the pussy wagon license place was a taleya original though.
pussy wagon
Do I need to add some fluffy dice?
The first stage of Catladyhood has been attained. I just bought Ted a cat stroller. 🤓🐈⬛
Far out
helix and microcosm Worked pretty well!!!
Goodnight everyone, especially those with pets who sleep in the middle of the bed ❤️
For all you Grateful Dead fans, Phil Lesh has died. Finally. More health problems than Medicare, but lasted to 84 which is a small miracle. Will be much missed.
More health problems than Medicare
one of my fave albums. LiveDead. I suppose he’s DeadDead now.
Thats awful news. But his music will live on forever for free.
I can’t wait to take Ted on walks around the park. I will take so many pics. 🐈⬛🤓 I might take both if they can stop trying to kill each other for 30 minutes.
Ted is a cat right?
Gorgeous! Look at those beautiful eyes 😍😍
Those are crazy eyes. 🤡
Eyes that look straight into your soul.
Ted is a cat right
Technically Ted is a bum biting cat.
This is correct.
Buy two prams and you and Mr Seagoon can help the rival brothers drag race
Woke up to a mangled drivers door lock this morning. They didn’t get in. I’d’ve thought a rusty old van with cobwebs wasn’t worth the effort. Hour after reporting it, Crime Scene Services dropped by for some photo’s, no finger prints. See what happens.
ain’t the rust part, it’s the van. They thought it was full of delicious fencible tools
Just saw the cops at Old Mate’s place with his average suv having been done too.
Yeah, they’re going for anything they can
Trash day today. Filling up the trailer with crap to take to the tip. Tetanus is up to date.
I’m very sleepy. Nigh nighs
Good night, sweet dreams 😘
For my pineapple fan friends
Woah what are we looking at here? Swineapple??!
A close relative 🍗
Real estate agents walking around next door like vultures pretending like they’re doing something all dressed in the exact same shitty suits.
E. Just overhead one say we should be able to push this one to the limit which calls for a rave choon
Insulting to vultures, vultures are actually useful and a big part of the ecosystem. REAs are just like those mozzies that carry malaria