Finally finished the whole group! From left to right: Inquisitor Coteaz, Interrogator, Sister of Battle, Scrollboi, Feral Worlder, Mystic, Servitor, Booksy the Book Skull, Joe Krabo, and “Daemonhost”.
I’d painted up Coteaz years ago (and it’s good I did because his new model sucks lol). Eventually they’ll all be based in the same style as Coteaz but the texture paint I use is all dried up.
Close-ups of individual models in comments.
Ty, the new Inquisitorial Agent kit has its problems (you need 2 sets for a full Kill Team meaning you’ll have dupes, their stats are real bad in 40k), but the models you get are perfect for representing an eclectic bunch of weirdos.
I don’t know how the current rules are, but I remember making my own melee-focused Inquisitor squad a while back with some kitbashed IG that I ran as arco-flagellents. They were just the jungle fighter guys with their arms swapped for tentacles and flails and stuff, wish I knew where they were at I’d post a picture. I later bought some of the crusader guys with the big shields but I don’t think I ever used them even once lmao.
This was when my army was still called “Witch Hunters.”![emoji flattened-bernie flattened-bernie](
Re: Rules, unfortunately the current rules are extremely limited and non-customizable because GW execs shit their pants at the idea of people being able to use things that don’t come in a specific box. Catach-arco-flagellents sound cool as hell.
The weapons options are: