At a table? Desk? Living room in front of the TV?
When my wife is home, at the dining table, like a civilized couple. We discuss politics, the weather and other grownup subjects and howdoyoudos.
When only with the son, in front of the tv, watching one of our shows or a movie.
When alone, in front of the computer, like the slob that I truly am.
Sitting on my bed, which is mostly used as a couch during the day. Neither a dining table nor a couch were part of my budget.
At home, at the table. However, while I’m living in halls, I prefer to eat on the sofa.
In my mouth.
Mostly at the dining table, meals are social and family time.
Very occasionally I will eat the desk if I’m in the house alone or working late etc, but it’s something I try and avoid generally.
If I’m eating alone and I can do it over the sink, I choose that. Else the two-seater table my partner convinced me to get.
On a tray, on my knee in front of the telly. I am working on being a bit more civilised and not eating in the living room but…
Living room coffee table.
Since having kids, our meals are at the dining table. If given the choice, in front of the TV, always.