I know it has like 3 likes but I’ve seen so many people with this view, it’s insane ‘My uncle went to help them as a missionary but they’re hopeless LOL aren’t you glad to live in America?’
Meanwhile this is what missionaries do in Haiti:
CW s-----l child abuse
And the UN: CW child grooming
And the fact that this person clearly thinks that they’re smarter and superior to every Haitian when they don’t even understand production. Racism is a disease, instead of trying to find the answer to this contradiction they conclude ‘because they’re African lol’ they genuinely believe the 67 IQ lie.
just pluck fruits off trees and spearfish gorgeous fish and lobsters
Literal children’s cartoon level understanding of the realities of living on a poor tropical island.
Actually, you know what? I don’t think they actually believe that. This is just another example of sartre-antisemites.txt
hey I tried to pluck fruit off of trees and then I got shot at and chased away and now my friends are telling me that a “Dole Death Squad” is asking around about me, has this happened to anybody else? what should I do?
I once read a guy (CEO btw) say that in capitalism the business owner is the one who produces everything by his will and design, workers merely “polish and assemble widgets”.
This is the kind of (literal) magical thinking prevalent in American society.
When I was a kid and first learned about communism I thought wow, the CEOs must study this Marx guy in detail to keep their position in society, it would never work nowadays!! but then I realised they don’t understand anything at all.
One of the most beautiful things about modern society is that the son of a white South African pedophile with immense wealth from Zambian emerald mine child labour was able to become the richest man in the world, fumbled his ‘cool inventor’ reddit persona by calling a diver trying to save children a pedophile, and despite having all the money in the world he can’t stop any of his 95 children from disowning him.
This man barely understands anything about society but managed to fail upwards and convinced himself that he’s a genius. He lied about read Capital ‘in english and then cross-referenced with the german version’ what? That’s literally a child’s idea of what a ‘cool genius’ person would do.
All his successes are someone else’s and all his failures are his own. He’s truly the crown jewel (emerald?) of capitalism.
“Ideas guys” are 99% jackoffs that have “ideas” and 1% jackoffs that have “ideas” and then the working class is underpaid and undercredited trying to make those ideas happen.
gotta correct you there, as at least 50% of even those “ideas guys” straight up stole those ideas from someone else who either didn’t have the capital to make it happen, or who were starting partners that didn’t have the business acumen [read: cut-throat sociopathy and cynical self-serving] to avoid getting conned out of the operation and eventually had their names scrubbed from the project with the help of massive PR firms. Maybe with a check of shut-up-money in their hands maybe not.
You’re absolutely right and I agree with your correction.
Colonizer mentality. “Given them millions”. Of course this cracker really believes that all of those “millions” are actually going to the people of Haiti and not into the pockets of NGO executives and compradors.
“Foreign aid is when the poor people of a rich country give money to the rich people of a poor country.”
Having grown up around tons of evangelicals who often said shit like this after their missionary summer trips, hearing this conversation as an adult makes me want to fall facedown and turn into undifferentiated slime, the anger just hits the shutdown threshold instantly
Beyond the ability of most people, they visit the poorest places in the world, the places where human dignity is barely holding together, and instead of having even a taste of an understanding of the misery and injustice of it sink in, they bounce off and double down on their learned ability to dismiss the suffering of their fellow man. It took a lot of time to untangle the bitterness I developed toward these petty fucking emotional weaklings from religious people in general
remember when the wikileaks cables showed Hillary Clinton intensely lobbied Haiti to keep the minimum wage from being raised past 15 cents an hour
Honestly I love this little fact, it’s a hard filter demonstrating that the naive liberal worldview has no explanatory power whatsoever
Let’s drop these people in Haiti with no cash or credit card and see them survive.
I would pay to watch that
Fuck that shit, the last time Haiti had a really good leader, the US and France overthrew him. By the way, in the first real democratic election in Haiti’s history, the population voted for a Socdem Catholic priest. But the Haitian elite, who had supported the extreme right-wing dictatorship of the Duvalier family, removed him from power with the help of the US and France. When the people, the left-wing paramilitaries (Haiti had disbanded its army after the coup and counter-coup of the 1990s, so there were these paramilitary groups that were loyal to the goverment and hunted far-right paramiltiaries and gangs) and the loyal police forces tried to resist the coup, US troops began to massacre them.
Kkkolonizers kkkoping!
That’s not really what I’m reading from this post. I get why it can come off that but the underlying message is that strength is in our (working class) numbers against our oppressors.
True, but I like this screenshot so much that I’d be remiss not to post it given the opportunity.
These people feel like they’ve reached enlightenment by blaming every problem with capitalism on supposed racial inferiority of non-white people. Incredible
Are you ready to be a massive dumbass tool for white christian racism?
Best part of Harrison Bergeron is when he gets blown away by a shotgun at the end just saying
The red light filter with le epic glowing blue eyes thing is so fucking cringe that
did it too.
always talking like sephiroth, cringe ass mf’ers
I already know what their forum banners and signatures looked like 20 years ago, probably loaded with Fight Club and Sword of Truth quotes.
dude’s quoting the Malcolm in the Middle episode the still is from
(Malcolm asks his dad if he can take up roller-skating to play street hockey and Hal is very serious about it)
if I didn’t know/suspect any better (the company the Twitter poster is keeping) I would have interpreted this as someone about to drop truth about imperialism
These people feel like they’ve reached enlightenment by blaming every problem with capitalism on supposed racial inferiority of non-white people. Incredible
And the “smarter” ones always dress it up in concern over “culture” like Vance above in the OP’s post. Disgusting shit.
Always been that way with these fucks. Heres a nice thought… Climate change will ravage the global south. Be certain that more fascist shit like this will be used to justify the untold suffering that is to come.
This makes me so angry, at least if the US starts nuclear world war over oil or something we’ll all be dead. But climate change will barely affect the people that caused it, it’s so unfair.
You can already tell that they’re going to go Malthusian mode/blame it on the global south while still exploiting them for profits.
“No one wants to work anymore”
(camera pans to a vast field of skulls in a scorching desert covering the entire southern hemisphere)
I get a weird spasm of pure rage when people compare climate change to nukes (not calling you out here, my issue is with people who attempt to minimize it with “I lived through the cold war and nuclear bomb drills” when dismissing climate angst) because the threat of nuclear war is inverted compared to climate change: nuclear war requires people to do it willfully. Climate change requires people to do nothing. We’re already locked in. We are on the trajectory. If climate apocalypse can be compared to nuclear apocalypse then in this analogy the nukes are already in flight.
And to add even more to it: we still have nukes! We did not get rid of the nukes! You think a world with ecological and resource instability is going to be less inclined to use nukes than the half century of massive industrialization and economic growth after WW2? I would sleep better at night if I was that blessedly naive.
Oh and as for the “we did nuclear drills” shit… kids have school shooter drills. So just… fuck those minimizers and their bullshit arguments. I hate them. So much.
Sorry for derailing in your Haiti thread but God almighty it strikes a chord in me when I see that kinda shit. So to bring it back to the original topic I believe these people absolutely will support walls and barb wire, auto turrets, guards with shoot-to-kill orders, the sinking of migrant boats with sea mines and naval weaponry. The whole arsenal will be deployed to ensure they are the last ones to feel the full weight of how much they fucked this planet up. And they will abdicate their responsibility while we all spiral into man-made hell and the ‘christian missionaries’ among them will solemnly hold out their palms in supplication and say “We’re sorry, I guess it was God’s will this happened.” Yeah I agree with you, it’s literally happening right now but it’s a global south western ally country so no one cares. (this channel is really good btw, the reactionary looking wojak thumbnails are just to bait chuds) When things get worse there’s no reason to believe they won’t do this in the west, whether you vote Trump, Kamala, Starmer, Farage, Macron, whoever.
Not to go doomer mode but sometimes it feels like a sick joke, yeah the people who’ve suffered under this system are going to suffer more as the world melts so I can show you this AI picture of muslims laughing at a white girl on the bus. But we have to keep pushing, this is a critical period for reading, organising and planning.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Thank you. See you understand the reality of what is being faced. Especially with the nukes. Its inevitable that we will face dwindling resources. Even if climate change magically didn’t murk us shit like fossil fuels are becoming more and more scarce and thus more expensive to extract. It will take time but its coming. Climate change makes a lot of the issues even worse and the instability that will arise from it may well make these guys less apprehensive to nukes. We’re already seeing people playing with fire on this in Ukraine Russia conflict can you imagine in the future where things are substantially getting much much worse?
In a short time 2/3 of the world is gonna live in water stressed areas. That number is only gonna go up. These conditions are not conducive to peace
A major reason ISIS took and maintained power in Syria was because they gained control over the water supply. It will be easier for future historians to analyze the Syrian Civil War (since they will have the benefit of hindsight). One hypothesis on how the war escalated is the lack of access to fresh water.
In other words, we entered the “water wars” stage of climate collapse about a decade ago.
Precisely this. Sahel region conflicts as well but yeah the Syria situatiom was a glaring one
Do you have any resources to read about climate change? I know that things will get worse but I’m pretty illiterate on the specifics
The Road but hot
That’s Roadwarrior
Tbh I read scientific publications or sites like researchgate. Not my field but some places like are good primers or NOAA. Edit I know has some info. I have several news articles from memory on outlook on several areas that are a lot
These conditions are not conducive to peace
Well said. There are a lot of stories from history of conflicts that emerged because the previously balanced systems tipped and suddenly a whole lot of people had to move and there were already people where they intended to go. It’s basically why the whole white yeoman homestead idea the right fetishes is such a dead end. Oh sure we’re all content on our orderly acreages now. But what happens when Jeck Stumpman diverts the creek above your land? What if Borp Whingle chops down all his trees? What if the Jensensensens have thirty large adult sons that need land to inherit? “Every man a king of his tiny fief” exploding into feudal warlordism in a couple generations, guaranteed. Toss in a natural weather event and the process just accelerates.
The people that control our political economies have zero fucking clue how to handle a complete systemic crisis. So far their only solution is “I guess we’ll mash the fascism button even harder.”
Yeah you’re right. I see such wanton disregard for human life like Madeleine Albright infamous quote and that is under the best if circumstances and material condition’s. How bad will it be when its clear that things will deteriorate. Shit even now in America that isn’t hit as hard aquifers like ogallala aquifer is depleting. Top soil erosion is a problem that is getting worse long term and that is an absolutely catastrophic scenario. Thats used to grow 95% of foods. Once this perceived depletion of resources becomes abundantly clear it is gonna be open season
Why do you think both parties are so adamant about bolstering and militarizing the southern border? And reactionary Europeans and their media advocating the same and fomenting fascist petty-bourgeois hatred over it? The refugee and immigrant ‘crises’ that they’re lashing out against and fomenting panic and hate over right now is nothing compared to what the ruling class of the global north know is coming as a result of their incapability and refusal to lift their collective foot from the gas, as we are all turning to see the cliff in the rear window.
I say arm all climate refugees. They already are talked about and treated, and are increasingly going to be, as if they’re an “invading army” by fascists and Liberals-pretending-not-to-be-fascists anyway. And if they organized as one in deliberate political action, it would almost certainly be the most justified “invasion” that has ever happened in the history of humanity.
I agree, this video made me sick [CW sadistic treatment of migrants by Saudi border patrol], they will definitely do this in the west when the crisis gets worse.
And I didn’t have a solution but you’re right, the western elites caused this, if they didn’t want violent resistance then they shouldn’t have ruined our planet. They should never know peace for what they’ve allowed to happen.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
This is why I’ve given up hope in the west. It’s unlikely that anyone will adapt socialism to help mitigate climate change, and more likely everyone will quadruple down on capitalism and mr. Beast tree planting.
Then when shit really hits the fan, the west will choose genocide and suffering rather than reducing consumption.
Sometimes I wish I was born after the apocalypse because at least then I wouldn’t waste my time pondering about a better future
People will doubt it but I was reading about the death toll india suffered under the brits. It was absurd when put together. The death toll may even dwarf what was said in that so goofy black book of communism. I don’t put any level of cruelty above them.
The stupidity of white missionaries is a disease. They have absolutely zero understanding of history and the damage that the grip of imperialism does to these countries.
The fact that they genuinely think they’re helping is what’s insane, yeah man showing up with a bible and some coins to groom some kids would help, but unfortunately they’re too stupid to accept the lord!
Also Haiti is overwhelmingly Christian, we all know the real reason those vermin go there.
Sentinel Islanders did nothing wrong.
Blessed story about one of them.
Sorry but that wikipedia article is hilarious, he had SO many chances to leave but kept going, and
Bro they’re on an island in the Indian Ocean. They don’t know what the hell you’re saying, what was his plan? How was he going to teach them about Jesus?
when he tried to hand over fish and gifts, a boy shot a metal-headed arrow that pierced the Bible he was holding in front of his chest
Couldn’t imagine going to a country in this kind of capacity and not even glossing over a book or two on the history of the place.
Seriously I think Haiti has been couped something like once every five years. Hard for people to feed themselves or maintain jobs when there’s foreign governments sending mercenaries after your leaders all the time.
am i wrong or doesn’t france TAKE millions of dollars from them because haiti ‘owes’ them for not being their slaves anymore?
I think those payments are done but they did for many, many years yes
Yes, and the US, instead of being an ally of the only other Western nation independent of the Americans, decided to embargo Haiti. Spain also hated Haiti because Spain wanted to conquer them and Haiti had made an allience with Simon Bolivar, that they would aid him, and he would free all the slaves, which was not a problem to him since he was raised by slaves since his family didn’t care about him and his parents were dead.
We needs to go around the country and start doing this
Yep, another
Damn so I was born on Trotsky pick day AND KKKracKKKer genocide day? Fantastic!
They talk about anywhere black people live like it’s Innsmouth
Fucking Christian Evangelical filth. Have met many like this in Guatemala and they always come across as insultingly condescending.
I usually switch to my Upstate New York accent when they pull that shit and it ends up scaring them most of the time for some reason lol
it’s the 21st century and literal missionaries exist like it’s still the colonial hell of 1624
the global south is suffering, we must send our best dickheads to erase indigenous culture even more and replace it with garbage white culture
Colonial hell hadn’t gone anywhere, it is just better obscured.