One of mine (I have many yay neurodivergece) is when people say the phrase “a broken clock is right twice a day”. The phrase is actually “a stopped clock is right twice a day.” A clock that is stopped will definitely be right twice a day but a clock that is broken could be right multiple times a day or not at all depending on how it’s broken. Maybe it’s just a little slow running in which case it’ll never be right. Maybe it’s spinning wildly out of control so it’ll be right a lot but still useless.
It annoys the shit outta me and it is so dumb it definitely should not. Anyway your turn.
“A few bad apples.”

To be fair to the latter, I think Cicero originally came up with that one.
I’d guess most people wouldn’t know about the Nazi appropriation.
Most don’t but they keep using it anyway because it sounds like profound wisdom when at best it’s a thought terminating cliche.
Ah, yeah. I get that. I see some wisdom in it when taken beyond its current meaning of individualistic relativization BUT… to each his own, I guess.