They literally just switched it to something else. If you’re on gabapentin for anything off-label (anxiety, bipolar disorder, ect) then, congrats, you’re a victim of the opioid crisis!

Not to mention all the abandonded addicts held captive by their own country’s medical system. I know people that are being denied help because a doctor prescribed them something that makes them a red flag patient. They didn’t want to be an addict you told them it was their only hope!

Please ignore me I’m manic rn

    • Bedandsofa [he/him]
      5 years ago

      I mean, I took Gabapentin for several years, stopped cold turkey, and the withdrawal was basically not noticeable, maybe slightly harder to get to sleep (YMMV).

      It feels kinda nice and relaxing, but doesn’t really get you high especially considering there is a dose ceiling above which you don’t get any additional effects.

      It is in no way in the same league as a recreational drug to most opioids.