The Congo Civil War, or Congo Crisis, was a complex political tumult that began just days following Belgium’s granting of Congolese independence in 1960. Lasting four years, the associated violence claimed an estimated 100,000 lives including the nation’s first Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba, and UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjöld, who was killed in a plane crash as he attempted to mediate the crisis. Escalating with the secession of the southernmost province of Katanga, the conflict concluded five years later with a united Congo emerging under the dictatorship of Joseph-Désiré Mobutu.
On June 30, 1960, Belgium negotiated post-colonial mining rights in declaring an independent Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Yet within days, soldiers of the Congolese army mutinied, demanding increased pay and the removal of white officers from their ranks. When Belgium intervened militarily, more soldiers rebelled. Many of these soldiers gravitated toward the radical nationalist Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba.
Then, dominated by Belgian business interests, the mineral-rich Katanga province under the leadership of Moïse Kapenda Tshombe seceded from the DRC with Belgian support. Congolese President Joseph Kasavubu and Prime Minister Lumumba asked and received a peacekeeping force from the United Nations (UN).
The conflict also became the site of a dangerous Cold War “proxy” contest between western powers led by the United States and the Soviet Union-led Communist bloc. Under pressure from western nations and in exchange for UN support, President Kasavubu purged his government of radical elements including Prime Minister Lumumba. The ultra-nationalist Lumumba, though supported by the Congolese, was viewed by Western business leaders as an obstacle to their continued investments in Congolese diamond mines. Fearing Lumumba was secretly a Communist, the United States was particularly adamant about his removal from power.
Lumumba responded by firing Kasavubu as both leaders claimed control over the country, and Army Chief of Staff Joseph Mobutu in turn orchestrated a military coup d’état which ousted the two leaders. Mobutu’s government was supported by western governments. The Soviet Union and other Communist nations supported Lumumba who ultimately was killed by Katangan rebels.
With his chief rival removed, Mobutu pledged nominal support to President Kasavubu and the two led the successful effort to end the Katanga secession. UN forces eventually recaptured all of Katanga province. In 1964, a new rebellion began in the Eastern Congo when armed fighters (“Simbas”) began to spread across the region. Ironically, Moïse Tshombe, who had led the secessionist Katanga province, was made prime minister with the mandate to defeat these rebels and end other regional revolts. The Simbas were defeated in November 1964.
One year later, Mobutu seized power from President Kasavubu after having persuaded Western leaders that he was the most effective leader in the fight against communism. Kasavubu and Tshombe were exiled as Mobutu set up a one-party dictatorship, controlling the nation until 1997. Nonetheless, for the first time since independence, all of the country was ruled by one government.
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Went to a DSA thing for a bit. The DSA folks here seem cool, met some union organizers, folks were very friendly.
It made me realize, though, how fucked up I still am from going through the uprising. Everyone was happy and relaxed, wearing shorts and sandals, joking and playful. I was wearing long pants and trail running shoes incase I needed to evade the cops and I brought a full bleeder/blowout (gunshot first aid) kit because after all the shit I went through in Minneapolis during the uprising I don’t feel safe doing anything political without a gunshot kit.
This is the first time I’ve done anything remotely political in public in years. I left early because my anxiety was spiking hard. I’m glad I went, it was a good experience and I’m going to try to keep participating, but it was an interesting window in to how I’m still very much recovering from trauma.
“Actually there is no ethnic cleansing happening in Gaza even tho Israel has flattened the entire area and displaced basically the whole population and is actively trying to sell the land to settlers because I don’t believe Palestinians are an ethnicity”
Liberals are something else, man.
How do you discover the concentration camps and let a single nazi live.
“Mr Vermicelli stop noodling around” is just one of those jokes that is never going to leave my head
In my nightmares I call people the incorrect name as often as finkelstein does without realizing it
I’m looking at supplements marketed to dudebro bodybuilders and can’t get over how vaguely sexual the copy is
“intense pumps”
“extreme pumps”
“powerful and sustained energy”
“enhances mood”
mad how many people don’t see their horrifying gacha spending as a gambling addiction
Lmao hot damn how tf are people trying to immediately appeal to authority when everyone not embedded in the DNC cult can see that Joe Biden’s brain is aging?
Apparently he needs a medical diagnosis by a party-cleared doctor before we can comment. Funny, that
Peak deboonker brain. Making up a completely arbitrary metric the general public doesn’t have intuition for to dismiss all their concerns.
Underrated debate moment: Trump saying something along the lines of “The Founding Fathers would be ashamed if they were here now, which, frankly, they aren’t.”
Edit: it was more like “if the Founders knew about this issue, which, frankly, they didn’t.” Still funny wording for some reason.
death to the zionist entity
as soon as someone works with food instantly their paycheck becomes like half the size of any other physical labourer. baking is a tough job physically with heavy weights, high temperatures, and antisocial hours, yet is paid at marginally above minimum wage. then if you’re a chef the industry standard is absurd hours and no breaks for similarly low pay
Just thought I’d let y’all know, still here, just been browsing for a while, lol
you’re saying Maurice … slowed down …
using hexbear is gay
oh shit nice, you’ve actually popped into my head a few times recently, i’m glad you’re ok
Death to America
Hi Maurice!
Today I made the mistake of standing wrong for a few hours and now I’m cursed with back pain. Really wishing I weren’t accumulating medical conditions like Pokemon
If a cop dog ever smells drugs on you, say whoever smelt it dealt it and the dog will be arrested for trafficking
They’d just shoot the dog and skip the paperwork as all good cops do.
I really think my gf needs therapy for misophonia. She is so incredibly sensitive to even the slightest noise from our neighbors and her sensitivity and her reactions to it are just getting worse over time, not better. Last night our new downstairs neighbor was playing music and I went to talk to him and he was nice and turned it down but instead of that being the end of anything she was still locked up in this anxious trauma response for hours of expecting the noise to start again. Idk what to do about it other than “get a house” but even then that doesn’t mean we’re not going to have neighbors we can hear
Idk what to do about it other than “get a house” but even then that doesn’t mean we’re not going to have neighbors we can hear
The lawnmower orchestra is a lot more annoying than downstairs music. A house closer to a city core might be better because people are less likely to be doing yard work, but then houses are more packed together so you’d probably start hearing music and conversations more often again.