I was curious to see what everyone likes to drink or snack on while playing D&D. I grew up on Mountain Dew and Doritos during sessions, usually with pizza if we playing through dinner (which we almost always did).

  • Aielman15@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I don’t like trash food and I don’t drink energy drinks (only water), but I enjoy taking a food break during sessions, mostly because it allows me to stand up, stretch a bit and go take whatever I may want to eat that day, which improves my attention span in the second half of the session.

    Sometimes it’s some fruits, others it’s a pack of potato chips or just a cup of coffee. During winter I’ll most certainly toast some bread with cheese and salumi, to keep myself warm!

    I’m Italian, so it’s not difficult for me to buy brands that use high quality ingredients and are still fairly cheap to buy. And if the session stretches through dinner, it’s pizza time for everyone! Although it’s been a while since I last played a session in person, because my party is scattered all over the country, forcing us to meet online.