Genius move trying to deflect blame to the guy Biden is willing to pit the “free world” against the ICC for, after sending him weapons in bulk every other day.
Fr, I’m wondering if Blue Dog liberals will ever come to understand that treating the people they are trying to “win over” like imbeciles who don’t have access to a 24/7 news stream through the tiny computer in their pocket isn’t “the strategy”.
Biden ended the war in Afghanistan then immediately seized their sovereign wealth in an act of piracy, causing a famine that effected millions of people. I do give me credit for that.
I do give me credit for that.
Oh nao!
The ultimate self crit
Pretty sure Trump was the one that set a date to end U.S. occupation and Biden was just following through with the agreement. Also remember when people that had cooperated with the U.S. were left en masse and Afghanis were holding onto the landing gear to escape the Taliban?
Afghanis we’re holding onto the landing gear to escape the Taliban
The Taliban are Afghanis too you know, and these people are traitorous comprador scum who deserve whatever fate met them
I maybe phrased that poorly. Just meant in the context of perpetuating empire that such a public display of telling collaborators to get fucked wasn’t a great look, particularly in the view of the blue maga in the screen shot touting it as a policy win.
Shout out to the US for doing everything it can to damage its own ability to convince the comprador class that it will be a stable ally when political winds change.
Honestly this; no mercy for collaborators
From what I remember leftists were pretty much the only ones defending Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Take it up with NPR, libs.
Absolutely correct.
Trump types were split over giving Trump his credit, which he deserves for starting the process, but he also chickened out. And whining about “America looking weak” as if a 20 year extended military loss can ever look good for a superpower…
Libs “supported withdrawal” but the “optics” were bad. Again, as if optics can be “good” when losing a 20 year war.
I know my bias is towards ending American imperialism, so from my viewpoint, it didn’t look bad enough. Plus Biden’s state dept made sure to do some war crimes on the way out the door by yoinking Afghanistan’s cash. Oddly, the liberals didn’t seem concerned at all about children and other innocents being by that act of collective punishment (clearly defined war crime) but that pic of a helicopter taking off with some resemblance to Vietnam was “disgraceful.” Starving kids on the way out… fine. Poorly planned helicopter escape… second 9/11
yoinking Afghanistan’s cash
At the worst time too; Afghanistan had just had an earthquake and the money would’ve helped. Afghans were selling organs to take care of their families, mothers were trying to give away (sell?) some of their children to good homes. Of course liberals have zero clue because they have zero care.
The great irony, that they love to talk about “the holodmor” when it’s actually their system that created a punitive famine set into motion by a head of state named Joe.
Excuse me sweaty but you can only blame one person for genocide
Unless Biden personally pulls the trigger on each Palestinian, it’s just sparkling mass murder
-Nuremberg Defendant minutes before
I haven’t used google in awhile but I just Googled Benjamin Netanyahu and I literally had to scroll three full screen lengths on my phone to get an actual search result.
Google interns working full steam, overtime manually scrubbing truthful reporting on the ICC
I googled Netanyahu! First story that pops up is Biden protecting him from international law and any pretense of rules based order.
Okay I also will not vote for Benjamin Netanyahu, thanks for the heads up
Weird how much Biden claims to hate Bibi yet opposes ICC investigation into him.
Trump pulled out of Afghanistan. Biden just didn’t stop it
Erm akshually the entire history of the zionist occupation is all this one guy, I am very a serious person and not at all a perfect candidate for forced labor
deleted by creator
I didn’t gave him any credit, they were running like rats from there, it wasn’t “pulling out”. Also they didn’t even pull out entirely, their 5th column is still there.
Wasn’t it Trump who started the retreat?
Following through with it was worth celebrating.
Starving the women there to try and force the taliban to give women rights was, to put it mildly, a bad move.
I don’t like saying that Biden is “supporting” genocide. He is commiting genocide. He is actively taking part in it.
wtf? Ending the war in Afghanistan? They were fucking destroyed by the Taliban, that’s all there is to it
I seem to recall Trump signing some kind of treaty promising all troops would be pulled out near the start of Biden’s term, and then there was a big panic as everyone left in a rush because we didn’t really plan it all that well. Weren’t there a lot of videos of people running alongside airplanes that were taking off, and something about our old bases being found mostly intact?
Not just intact, but full of gear too. That why the Taliban guys in the photo ops that came after were so decked out
I can’t remember the treaty you mentioned, but I definitely remember the scandal surrounding Afghanistan in early-mid 2021
“China, Iran, North Korea, and various other countries providing weaponry to Russia makes them fully complicit in the war against Ukraine. Hell, even if they only supply components that could be manufactured into weapons, we have to stop that trade by any means necessary.”
“…no, Biden directly giving and boasting about supplying tens of billions of dollars worth of bombs to Israel doesn’t make him even remotely complicit in what Israel is doing, what the hell are you talking about?”
Hillary was truly the best candidate for these people. Which says exactly as much about them as it does about her.