That semi-dystopian future really just sounds dystopian.
“I think we are headed for major societal disruption within the next five years,” said Gretta Pecl, at the University of Tasmania. “[Authorities] will be overwhelmed by extreme event after extreme event, food production will be disrupted. I could not feel greater despair over the future.”
Sounds like it might be bad.
Sobering reading, but we mustn’t give in to pessimism. It’s never too late to change things for the better and we must never stop trying
Except what we are actually doing to combat climate change is far too little, far too late, and the media is doing nothing but peddling hopium.
What stands in humanity’s way is the wealthiest 1%, who are obsessed with “business as usual” because that’s where the fattest profit margins are. And because this Parasite Class has all the money, they have purchased nearly all of the politicians who could put into law anything that would effect anything approaching a material change.
And then there is the issue of the rank evil of having a Parasite Class in the first place, where they parasitically suppress the earnings of average people to well beneath what it could be, siphoning that value away for themselves and thereby denying average people the financial headroom to become activists themselves.
Fast-food workers, for example, get only 2% of the value of their labour back in their paycheque, and nearly everyone out there is under the 50% threshold. With that level of crushing parasitism, vanishingly few of them have the ability to think of any larger picture at all, much less climate change – they are just too focused on where their next dollar is going to come from in order to survive another day. The working class is being robbed on an epic scale by the Parasite Class in order to keep them controlled and compliant - just look how medical insurance shackles Americans to toxic jobs - and vanishingly few people even realize that.
I mean, I don’t disagree with your assessment of the ‘parasite class’ as you call them, but none of what you’ve written is cause enough to stop trying. The only thing that guarantees failure is not to try. As the articles I’ve linked to demonstrate it’s never too late. https://plana.earth/academy/is-it-too-late-for-our-planet
Remember pessimism isn’t useful, it achieves the opposite of what we need: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23622511/climate-doomerism-optimism-progress-environmentalism
Also, please be mindful that marinating in a sea of doomscrolling is really bad for you: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/what-is-doomscrolling-and-why-is-it-bad-for-us/143139/
And that bad news is also literally addictive and it is important to break that habit: https://www.fastcompany.com/90269566/how-to-stop-your-brains-addiction-to-bad-news
If the future is only semi-dystopian, that means shit will get better.
But let’s keep on with a system that seeks to turn all life and matter into commodities to make an imaginary line go up; which expects infinite growth within a system with finite resources. At least we temporarily gave a handful of people extremely avaricious lives.
oh the far off future of next month?
Old news, we knew this in 1977.
Doesn’t matter, the more it’s repeated, the more accepted it becomes, the higher the chances of people influencing change.