Please include a brief description of the nominated instance, why it should be removed from the allow-list or added to the block-list, and include a link to the instance. Off-topic comments will be removed.
If an instance is already nominated please do not create another top-level comment, reply to that other nomination with your comment and upvote to show your desire to defederate.
Multiple top-level comments for the same instance nomination will be removed
Remove SJW bc its full of fascists and reactionaries.
Also allow me to personally ban them if they cone back :)
Seconded. This was one too many. They aren’t even libs they’re chuds.
Poison_Ivy and AntiOutsideAktion are right. Half of the place is openly fascist, and the other half is cryptofascist.
There can’t be any good faith discussion in that place.
I regret voting in favor of federating with them.
Sorry, comrades.
agreed. plus they’re more willing to harass people in DMs.
That’s a big reason esp in regards to our lgbt and poc users who have faced racist and bigoted pms from sjw
yep, got a DM asking for nudes from someone. idk if chaser or not.
The first dm I have ever gotten on this site was from one of their users. Granted that dm wasn’t particularly noteworthy but it seems like they really do like dming people.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that
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Yeah, they suck. Just look at the modlog and you’ll see so many from that instance who were banned for racism or transphobia, plus they just double down on claiming the yellowface Xi picture isn’t racist.
Shitjustworks needs to go.
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I support defedding from them. They’re full of reactionaries. The name should’ve been the first clue.
I don’t support pulling the trigger before they do. I still believe in forcing obnoxious instances to defed from us rather than us defedding from them. That or getting their mods/admins to become completely unhinged reactionaries like what happened with Blahaj.
Goat is already an unhinged reactionary
They’re very good at coming up with barely plausible excuses and hiding even when the mask sometimes slips. But, I know that their depth of reaction is far deeper than what they’re publicly displaying even considering that sinophobic Xi picture or how they purposely stole an identity of a popular leftist(?) user from Mastodon. I peg them as a full-blown /pol/ FS-to-the-JQ style fascist that’s very good at hiding their power level. They know they can’t go around ranting about ZOG or be openly transphobic, so they quietly prod at pronouns and put some sinophobic crap instead in order to test boundaries.
But the mask always comes off eventually.
Yeah I support this. Defed them
S.J.W. Delenda est.
Shit Just Works Programming Lemmee
I must say, however, I would not be sad to see us defed from all but the Grad.
Huge agree that programming(.)dev needs to go. Lemmee has tons of sucky users but has also brought a small handful of comrades our way. I’d like to see it go too, but I haven’t seen a single instance of anything positive at all from programming, just reactionary weirdo shit.
Simply put, I think we would lose a lot of bad and lose a bit of good from defedding lemmee, but defedding programming would lose a moderate amount of bad and zero good.
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Removed by mod
please just let us defederate from all instances. federation was an idea worth trying but it hasn’t worked out and has made hexbear a worse place
Death to America
Grad and dbzero have been good in my experience.
Yea nah, the Grad has been very positive, I think it would suck to lose them. Dbzero is also good, and it’s nice to have hobby spaces for stuff like star trek and d&d,
Copy lemmygrad’s blocklist, we’ve already got the porn, nazi, and spam instances blocked
shared maintenance sounds like a solid plan
While not as openly awful as SJW or similar shitshows, the instance has always had a tendency towards reactionary sentiment and anticommunism, and their users are just awful debate perverts, as examplified by this post where some MRA idiot liberal antifeminist barges into c/traaaaaa and tries to turn a trans debate into “not all men” bs. It’s not the only problematic post in that thread, but the other one has already been removed. This is now the state of our trans comms. This has been going on steadily since federation started and it doesn’t get better, it is the new status quo on hexbear. That’s the reason why this will be my last post under this account, and why i will post not even remotely as often under my new handle.
I know this is still an unpopular opinion around here, but i’m sick of this entire failed federation experiment. You’ve had the mistaken idea that there could be a compromise between keeping the site as a safer space for trans people on one hand and “reaching out to and propagandizing” a couple dozen techbros and a couple hundred redditors on the other. And it really shows when i look at the queer spaces on hexbear, so many trans longtime users on here have massively reduced posting, we’ve gone from being “the most trans inclusive non-trans space on the internet” to “we also have moretankie_egg_irl”. Seriously, that’s what it feels like nowadays to me, there’s a very palpable change in the quality of posts on queer subjects because with the old guard receding, most of them are now made by eggs and closet cases who haven’t yet worked through their internalized transphobia and transmedicalism and are therefore unable to educate others, offer substantial community support, push for actual queer liberation instead of assimilationism and have in-depth discussions about radical views on transness that would be drowned out by the lib shit on reddit.
You can’t build effective, radicalizing queer communities like that. In a structurally queerphobic society, you need not necessarily elders, but users who’ve at least already been through the most pressing struggles baby queers are facing to offer them guidance and help them to be themselves instead of trying to fit into a social structure that rejects them. We used to have that, back in the day threads about coming out or struggling with dysphoria or gender experimentation would have a ton of helpful, supportive comments and now it’s just a bunch of eggs all having the same issue with nobody to show them a perspective not tainted by cisnormativity and internalized transphobia. We’ve gone from being a support structure aimed to build trans resistence to being a circlejerk of trans mysery. Trying to offer advice in such a setting is just such a draining task, i do not feel up to that when it feels as if i have to do it on my own. We’ve lost so much because you just had to federate with places overrun by reddit shitheads. And that’s just a sad thing to say about the first place where i tried out my pronouns. This site was a home for me, it used to literally make me laugh out loud every day, now it’s just a tedious stream of half-decent half shit takes i can’t bring myself to care about. Breaks my fucking heart, but what can you do?
It’s time to move on now. Farewell, comrades. Defederate from Lemmygrad
Wasnt aware it was supposed to go here, what is the fediverse comm for?
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discussed it, dw
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i gotta tell you that my brain is microwaved, i dont even know what hand is my left hand anymore. i just discussed it, trust xD
I feel like a comm would be more appropriate than a thread for defed requests tbh, a lot of people might not see anything here given its a 2 month old thread. maybe the people searching by new comments might see something. idk i dont want there to be more work or anything for you, if this is easier w.e.
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I brought up my perspective in the other post and to be fair I don’t really know how the defed process works but if this is a voting thing I vote against defederation.
I’ve seen lots of positive interactions with lemmygrad users, more than any other instance by far, and if defed from them we might as well just dump federation all together.
Removed by mod
I vote to remain federated with Lemmygrad. If I have a chance I’ll discuss why later.
I already 100% supported this when you first brought it up, but i have to repeat this after having had another run-in with one of their usual mysogynist debatebro pigs earlier who was getting off about “dishonorable” sex workers on Fuck lemmygrad, it’s become a reactionary shithole full of redditor brainrot. Fuck federation in its entirity, this thing has been a total shit show. Defederate from everything, i don’t want this site to become micro reddit.
happen to have a link im compiling dumb shit
It’s all deleted, but look up the modlogs for a user named CountryBreakfast. Make sure to check out his older deleted posts as well, his hornyposts may make it kinda doubtful that he’s arguing this from the feminist perspective that he claims.
Jesus. So self righteous about doing right by women but can’t even bother to cw for people who have actually experienced violence.
Yeah, everything about that guy comes off as him just hating sex workers, not sex work. I mean, even moreso than your average SWERF, that guy doesn’t even pretend to be some white liberal patronizing feminist like they do. If i would have had a different impression, i would have engaged with him in good faith, but not like that.
(I’m only posting here since the thread got locked. I don’t actually want to defed from Lemmygrad at this time anyways.)
Them, a bunch of soyjaks: Nooooooo, we need to keep downvotes, how do we show displeasure at lib posts noooooo
Me, a gigachad: We should get rid of upvotes as well and retvrn to phpBB forums.
But seriously, that admin is full of shit and always had sus vibes to me. Upvotes and downvotes only came about in Web 2.0 social media sites and even then, it’s mostly a Reddit thing. Old-school forums didn’t have any of that bullshit. It’s very obvious that upvotes/downvotes are used to drive up engagement (people get mad that the wrong thing got upvoted/downvoted) as well as provide a quantifiable metric that the algo, which purposely feeds people angry slop that further drives engagement, can use. So their nonsense of “getting rid of downvotes is lib” is just that, nonsense. The real lib move is to keep the upvote/downvote paradigm that was set up by a shitty social media corporation. Mao’s Combat Liberalism, if they are so inclined to consider a shitty Reddit clone as a form of combating liberalism, stipulates that we’re supposed to actually explain shit to people, not press a shitty downvote button.
Their grips about the evil Hexbearian somehow imposing their site culture on their instance is also nonsense. First of all, they (and the vast majority of Lemmy instances) don’t have a unique site culture. They’re just Reddit clones with the same shitty Reddit-derived semblance of site culture. Oh no, their genzedong-derived culture will have to change. How will they possibly cope. Second of all, a prominent Hexbear user advocating for good changes to make their instance less shitty isn’t imposition. Have Hexbear admins threaten the Lemmygrad admins to defederate Hexbear from Lemmygrad? Did Hexbears do a brigardinoTM and mass upvoted your comments? No, we have not. The OP of that thread is a Lemmygrad user, as demonstrated by the numerous posts on Hexbear using a Lemmygrad account, so they can’t accuse us of creating alts and trying to change their instance from within. And finally, getting rid of downvotes isn’t even exclusively a Hexbear thing since the chasers over at blahaj had done so as well.
should be unlocked now, so you can post it over there
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SJW for blocklist, their instance has been nothing but a cesspool of bigotry, liberal ideology, and cryptofascism. Their mods are disingenuously censoring us whenever they find it convenient, for no reason in particular (i believe they have even removed your own comments). Their userbase has been rabid in their anticommunism, and some of them being just straight up nazis. Their banning is very popular. They are hated with a burning passion. Shit Just Works must go.
I also advocate blocking, since it has been almost as violently reactionary as Shit just works. They are frequently referred to as the nazi or gamer instance. They constantly walk into our own posts to be bigoted, and then run away crying to anyone who will listen about “evil tankie censorship”.
I also advocate for banning and, or anything that isn’t lemmygrad and a few of the smaller communities like the star trek and pricefield one
While I don’t have as much pure vitriol, the constant dunk culture and their own reactionary sectors rearing their heads, have created an unsafe atmosphere. Various users have complained about how the constant hostility is ruining this internet safe space. If Dunkers want to dunk, they can make a lemmygrad account to do so, they can fight there too. We don’t need an atmosphere of constant arguing with bad faith liberals in every single post. An average mildly controversial post will have 400 comments, all arguments that rarely lead anywhere before mods can intervene. There will be long time users that leave because of this, dunking a few liberals who skip our constant well sourced explanations isnt worth losing them. For every hypothetical liberal we gain, a few hexbears will leave due to the unsafe atmosphere. People shouldn’t walk into their safespace to constantly see reactionaries constantly reducing the arguments to worthless name calling.
We are getting to angry, this entire sight is now a bitter place, and it will never stop. We aren’t supposed to be reddit, this place is supposed to be different. We’ll be just fine with lemmygrad. Hexbear does not need the ultraliberals.
I wrote this like 5 hours ago and then fell asleep lol
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Removed by mod for blocklist, rules currently allow for illustrated CSAM and the following post link has the admin polling the other 3 active users whether or not to get rid of the rule, which is extremely sus
(it’s an archive link which only discusses material and does not contain any, also won’t have any updated information due to the nature of archives)CW for link to discussion of abusive media
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We should explicitly add beehaw to the block list. I know they’ve already blocked us, but I want to see them throw a fit over us blocking them back. It’ll be good dunk tank content
@[email protected] beehaw has not blocked us yet actually, because we are and they blocked, so starting out not blocking beehaw could be funny
Oh hell yeah
current allowed instances shut down, recommend removing:
- (shut down in response to CSAM event)
- (gardenland alt address)
fixes? (instances listed twice with one entry having a trailing slash):
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Removed by mod
deleted by creator for now, they are already defederated on their end, and according to some comments are possibly working with feds to resolve the CSAM incident that led to closing of comm and rule changes (which is good for finding out who did the terrible thing, but also a risk for anyone federated)
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We shouldn’t federate. The community is perfectly fine as is and introducing outside communities will only hurt.
The old lemmy is dying and the new lemmy struggles to be born, now is the time of monsters