It only took the consequences of their actions for 10+ years to weaken their support. Doing real well over there UK.
Thanks. It’s your encouragement that keeps us hanging on.
gods i hope so
i also hope it could be true for us yanks on this side of the pond.
good luck, UK!
Let us hope together. Good luck, United States.
I hate to be "that guy,” but I must say it. This isn’t “good luck United States,” wrt USA elections; it is literally, “good luck, world!” I sincerely wish us all a much more liberal government, while I wholeheartedly prefer actual leftist government.
Funny isn’t it? I got a poll card through the door the other day and all I’ve scrolled past since is news about how I shouldn’t bother voting because Labour have this in the fucking bag.
I keep scrolling past this headline and having hope for a brief moment it’s talking about the US. Good luck across the pond
Would be nice to feel positive about it, but my expectations for a Starmer-led Labour government are extremely low. I don’t believe they’ll actually do anything serious to try and reverse the damage of 14 years of Tory government.
Still, seeing some miserable looking Tories would be great if they really do get hammered.
If this is anything short of a bloodbath then I’ll have lost any remaining hope I had for this country.
I don’t think I have any hope left already tho
Daddy Putin will soon send his troll and disinformation army to save them
hey… pss… you wanna know a trick on how to save 350 Million Pound a week for the NHS? Oh you don’t believe me? How about when I print it on a Bus? Yeah, that’s more believable.
Step 1: Get me a fucking red bus
Step 2: Get clarification from the seller whether the bus is intended for fucking on, or if the bus itself fucks.
I would love to believe this, but living in the westcountry and regularly visiting places like Surrey shows you that there are still lots of people that will forever support the Tories, or will never support Labour.
People like Jeremy Hunt, Liz Truss, Jacob Rees Mogg, and co don’t get into power by accident. They’re voted in, often multiple times over multiple decades.
While I really want to see a Labour government again, and while I still hold some slight glimmer of hope that Starmer is playing it coy by trying to look more centrist/right-wing than he actually is, I’m still not sold.
Thank fuck, I’ll finally be able to experience a non-tory Westminster.
When Michael Portillo lost his seat in 97 it was sweet. That was my first experience of a non-tory government post childhood. But the experience of the evil farce of today’s Tories makes pre-97 Major’s Tories look almost desirable.
Even the script writers for Yes Minister/Prime Minister could not have made up the last 14 years.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Thank goodness the electorate saw through the Tories before they could do anything to cause lasting damage to the country for generations to come.
I think they’ll get somewhere in the region of 160 seats at the least. Maybe even 200 depending on Events.
Labour have got to be seen as doing something in the next 5 years though, else it might well swing back again in 2029.
Bring it on