Did you know the seats close to the rear of the bus are the back of the bus?? 😯😯🤯
I know! Amazing!
DAE absolutely hate the 😂 emoji?
Yes 😂😂😂
I used to have this otherwise kind and friendly but absolutely not sharp coworker who always tried to force laughs out of you whenever she tried to say something funny. Like, you would be there, smiling, and she comes over, grabs you by the arms, starts shaking them and laughs very loud while looking you in the eye with her crazy stare until you do, too.
Yeah… whenever I see someone apply these exaggerated emojis to their mild content I just think they are somewhat similar.
Who in their right mind looks at this and starts to laugh so hard that they literally end up in tears?
People don’t even use it for funny things though. I only see it as a way to shame people, as if they’re laughing at you. Except it’s almost always just stupid deflection when they don’t have any objective arguments to offer. It’s what I imagine debates would be like in “Idiocracy”, and it makes me lose hope for humanity.
It’s my least favorite laughing emoji
In my culture cool kids, violent psychopaths, goths and other future failures in life will sit in the back of the bus.
Retards, slimy ass kissers and future politicians will sit on the front of the bus.
Victims of these fuckers will sit in the middle.
Same thing in your culture?
Nah. The further up the grade of school, the further at the back you were.
Basically it gets to a point where the back of the bus is the final sanctitude from immaturity. Then you leave school and you’re at the front of the bus again.
Then you leave school and you’re at the front of the bus
Then you leave school and you’re in front of the bus
That’s…much more accurate, yes.
So the bus driver sits in the front of the bus? Wow!
Mind blowing concept!
I hate to admit it, but OP has a point.
Only 20th and 21st century kids will get this joke!
Could be an RV painted to look like a bus. Some people would fuck with you that way. Never trust.
Yeah, but sometimes those people have candy and puppies.
Just because what they show you looks like a hot dog doesn’t make it a puppy.
Then what do you call the part in front of the front of the bus?
Absolute front
The Future
I’d argue the line between front and middle and middle and back is not that accurate.
This is an accurate assessment.
Only 90s kids will understand
Why does the bus have flat tires?
The kids are just that heavy
the brackets are too close, he’s scared
What about the wheels on the bus
They go round and round
But where is it
No idea
Wtf was worth blurring? Bluebird?
i can’t tell, never rode a school bus
but i think you should cite your sources, op
Source: see above
I need a peer-reviewed study to believe you
Hello, I am a peer and I have reviewed the above and can confirm.