Walter Rodney, born in Guyana on 22nd of march in 1942, Pan-African, Marxist intellectual who was assassinated by the Guyanese government in 1980 at 38 years old.
Rodney attended the University College of the West Indies in 1960 and was awarded a first class honors degree in History in 1963. He later earned a PhD in African History in 1966 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, England, at the age of 24.
Rodney traveled extensively and became well-known as an activist, scholar, and formidable orator. He taught at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania from 1966-67 and 1969-1974, and in 1968 at his alma mater University of the West Indies.
On October 15th, 1968, the government of Jamaica declared Rodney a “persona non grata” and banned him from the country. Following his dismissal by the University of the West Indies, students and poor people in West Kingston protested, leading to the “Rodney Riots”, which caused six deaths and millions of dollars in damages.
In 1972, Rodney published “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”. Historian Melissa Turner describes the work this way: “A brutal critique of long-standing and persistent exploitation of Africa by Western powers, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa remains a powerful, popular, and controversial work in which Rodney argued that the early period of African contact with Europe, including the slave trade, sowed the seeds for continued African economic underdevelopment and had dramatically negative social and political consequences as well. He argued that, while the roots of Africa’s ailments rested with intentional underdevelopment and exploitation under European capitalist and colonial systems, the only way for true liberation to take place was for Africans to become cognizant of their own complicity in this exploitation and to take back the power they gave up to the exploiters.”
On June 13th, 1980, Rodney was killed in Georgetown, Guyana via a bomb given to him by Gregory Smith, a sergeant in the Guyana Defence Force, one month after returning Zimbabwe. In 2015, a “Commission of Inquiry” in Guyana that the country’s then president, Linden Forbes Burnham, was complicit in his murder.
“If there is to be any proving of our humanity it must be through revolutionary means.”
Walter Rodney
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I saw a fucking hilarious comment on Reddit that said the only way to fix the housing crisis in Ireland was to wait for Putin to die. That’s the only solution. It turns out all landlords and vulture companies are actually Putin
It turns out all landlords and vulture companies are actually Putin
well what are we waiting for?
“If you remove the Russian Army tomorrow and hoist the blellow flag over Kyiv Fortress, unless you set about the organization of the Liberal Republic your efforts will be in vain. Russia will still rule you. He would rule you through his socialists, through his landlords, through his financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions he has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”
-James “Epic Redditor” Connolly
Socialists and landlords, together at last
“You got any games on your phone?”
youtube sharts keeps trying to recommend jordan peterson videos to my dad but he immediately scrolls past because “his voice is annoying”
I think
said it best a long time ago. Sports should be a reward for a society that takes care of its own citizens
This thought brought to you by fuck March madness gang. these college players are experiencing one of the highest forms of exploitation in not getting a single penny of the billions made off this dumbass event
True, true.
I still find it bizarre how college sports are treated like pro sports without ever paying the players. I have issues with the club system here but at least the athletes get paid.
And it’s incredible how people look at you like you’re crazy if you suggest that maybe they should be paid
“They do it because they love it “
“Paid in experience”
On a related note I keep getting the impression that my sport enjoyer friends have some kind of barely-contained seething anger towards players who get big contracts. When I say to them “considering how much money sports orgs rake in I’m surprised star players don’t make more” they can’t disagree but they are still angry about something that I don’t understand
Posting neat Chinese phrases whenever I feel like #23
(māo tóu yīng)
Literally: “cat head hawk”
Figuratively: “owl”
We love our owls don’t we folks?
Someone who is good at tongues should tell me if this means that owls were not local to whatever region this language developed in and that’s why they hace a compound word instead of their own name.
My guess, pandas are also named this way, 熊猫 xióngmāo “bear cat”, but that could be because it’s a rare animal people weren’t talking much about, or that it historically was found in or beyond the southern regions that spoke different dialects or languages. But owls actually exist literally everywhere except the ice caps 🤷
Sussy ice caps what are their secrets?
I bet those "proto indo european linguistic larping nerds have theories about how new words develop over time.
Afaik we’ve only had cats pushing things off counters for ten thousand years, but ten thousand years is a really long time.
Good news! No clothes. Naked. Nude
Nude gang rise up
Why do you guys have to let me embarrass myself by putting my cringe in active?
No cringe can go unseen
After 10 years I finally built a new PC. It can compile Firefox in 6 minutes 20 seconds.
I have no idea how building a new PC works.
Well, maybe I still don’t, but I recently saw someone doing just that with their own desktop PC and… Holy shit, all you do is just plug in the parts?
It looks soooooooooo easy.
Holy shit, all you do is just plug in the parts?
Yeah. Things have been pretty fool-proof since the late 90s. Every hardware interface has its own slot, so generally if you buy the wrong parts, they simply won’t fit, rather than catching on fire. You need to take care when choosing parts to ensure you’re not wasting money on something which will be constrained by a bottleneck elsewhere (i.e. 64GB of RAM for a CPU which only supports 32), but even then it’s likely to work in a degraded state.
Actually building the thing is probably the easiest (though time consuming) part. OS installation, tracking down the right device drivers and configuring everything is probably more complicated, though even this is a lot easier than it used to be.
Starring this comment just in case I’ll need it. Thanks!
It can compile Firefox in 6 minutes 20 seconds.
you have become the real target audience for Gentoo. I’m glad I know enough about Linux to admire fast compile speeds.
5.759 GHz
It can compile Firefox in 6 minutes, 20 seconds.
Holy fuck, what unholy sacrifices are PC processor designers making to get this kind of performance
I can’t even build Firefox on my fav machines and architectures anymore cuz it and Rust needs at least 4 gb of RAM to even build. I have hardware from the last few years that doesn’t have that much :(
Anyway, I’ll just be here with my irrelevant and mostly-forgotten PowerPC Macs, SGI MIPS machine, and also my Pinebook Pro which I’m not using and regret buying lol
what unholy sacrifices are PC processor designers making to get this kind of performance
Bit idea: QAnon for computer architecture nerds
Just need to find a former-MIPS-engineer-turned-college-professor or someone similar to pill…
How I feel waking up sick, I was planing to go out with friends.
forget books “for dummies”, i need books “for cretinous dumbshits who read the instructions on shampoo bottles”
For you nerds that really liked the original BRICS girls, the artist has made two more drawing about them
looking forward to more struggle sessions about the great counterrevolutionary sin of drawing pretty girls
oh god they never end they all think its hentai please hexbear and lemmygrad be normal about pretty women oh my gawd
more girls
she likes girls
This better not awaken anything in me
Duelo de titãs
deleted by creator
Ten years ago, we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs…
Now we don’t have any Cash, no Hope, and no Jobs.
Please don’t let Kevin Bacon die!
space madness, deep sea madness, cave madness. Really the only place you can’t get madness is right on land in the safety of your home.
I am being informed of something called “cabin fever”
I was hoping to find a version of Bring Me Back to Life by Evanescence that’s just the dude’s vocal track and no Amy Lee cause I thought it’d be funny and someone must have uploaded it. Unfortunately people don’t think.the way I do and only the inverse exists. I wanted awkwardly long segments of drop C generic hard rock with the occasional rap interlude and out of place 'can’t wake up’s and 'SAAAAAAAaaaaave MEEEEEEE’s.
best i can do is this
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Not what you’re looking for, but
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Just noticed one of the homepage quote things is something I said and it brings a tear to the eye thank you hexbear