probably cause they didn’t invest much in cybersec…like most companies…and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers
probably cause they didn’t invest much in cybersec…like most companies…and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers
medieval problems require medieval solutions
alot of airlines also make deportations, but probably in a less obvious way…anyway blame france that wants to bomb niger, and then the rest of european countries will have to bear the consequences, Italy in particular
thats the case with any public transport: farts are unpredictable and the whole group have to bear with the emissions of a single passenger. one could make use of a 3M hepa mask if questionable odors are very bothering…
Its a european company, i will look up the article link one moment . Plane has a separate part of the cabin where it house seperate 93 seats where only adults beyond 16 of age are allowed access to, for the extra premium of 40€ per seat.
hope this is translatable cause its in french. maybe check their sales dept for info maybe, if the booking option doesn’t show up on their site
tech could also have its limitations, i guess
fair enough. i am not totally complaining but i thought if i could improve the hardware side so i could enjoy a better experience. i tried to run the app on waydroid in linux (and apparently i had to install houdini so it could translate arm to x86 ? but didnt get to get it to fully launch) so i could trust ur opinion since u seem knowledgeable in this regard
even inert ammo ? i am no ballistics expert
shooting a tire is like close range, how a baby would be hurt (unless emotionally speaking) ? u would have to be blind to miss the shot. also black women always overreacting, they start ramming stuff whenever they panic (too retarded tbh), white ? maybe…thats a reason i could get behind…but she also fat so she doesn’t necessarily hav a grasp over her cognitive abilities
i appreciate ur valuable input. i ll give it a try and see if it resolves things
can u please point out exactly whats wrong about Connect, code wise ofc, instead of throwing false accusations.
pointless slrpnk material
a car moving that aggressively need to be contained quickly…chasing it is just wasteful…plus the risk of damaging public and private property in the long run…
fuck_u_in_particular kinda vibe
why dont they shoot the tires first? i wonder to myself each time i see such video… also how much taxpayer money is wasted on such pursuit ? cop trying to break the glass window with his own bare hand lol…car pursuits in the us seem to be too staged…probably lobbied for by Big car…everything in the us has that Avengers vibe to it: alot of stuff are needlessly extreme…also mom is probably that ‘live,love,laugh’ type of woman :/
such details really did…fly over my head
They are flying much slower here to give a better show, which gives them a much tighter turn radius and more time to react. It’s also a meticulously planned and practiced route.
sounds like it really
i thought chinooks were intended for that kind of usage, but i am no expert…u seem to be informed enough that i shouldn’t argue much. TIL