I own Stardew. Ill check out the others and see if I’d like to buy them. I’ll do the testing after i get off work tonight and let you know.
I own Stardew. Ill check out the others and see if I’d like to buy them. I’ll do the testing after i get off work tonight and let you know.
Just started using mint. Tell me a game that you’re curious about and if I own it I’ll try it out.
I’ve tried it out a couple of times in the past but the issue is that all the content I found is either in a language I don’t speak or just open source news and how to’s. I couldn’t find any videos that were of any of my interests. I absolutely love the idea but since youtube has a system for paying people for their content, that is where the best content stays. Afaik.
Please add a NSFW tag.
I’ve tried it back when it was called Minetest. It was fun and the different games are neat but it doesn’t have the mods I like (sophisticated storage, create, and some QoL mods)
Thanks for the heads up. I do have nvidia. I’ll check it out after I get everything set up.
Fair enough, I’m still grateful to the whole team.
This is the one I use on windows. I’m glad I’ll be able to use it on Linux too. Thank you for making such an awesome launcher.
Awesome. Thank you. I play Java. Bedrock is a sin.
My wife said “you could put 2 in one hole if you weren’t a coward”.
I just ask what I do on my turn.
Oh. You’re right. I did get the name mixed up.
i agree. Thunder is the best. It’s even better than paid apps
Its another app store. heres futos webpage. https://github.com/futo-org/android-keyboard
Yes but I use obsidian not fdroid
Ahh. I only use it occasionally. I’m bad at spelling and need the word predictions too much.
FUTO keyboard. Try it. Say bye to gboard.
“Has entered the chat” has entered the chat. Itt
I’ve been adding all that info to my local area on it. Just ripping the info straight from Google maps and putting it into organic maps so I can switch over.
Just downloaded and played stardew for a few. Seems to work fine.