A capitalist economy*
A capitalist economy*
You could meet all of your apartment complaints with some decently designed medium density projects. I agree though that not everyone needs to live in a towering skyscraper
Feel like the key part of that sentence is “American” 👀
Spamming the entire comment section with this. But maybe, diversify back into some fiat
Yeah I think I missed a step there
Depends how much cheaper I guess. Texas is about 70% richer than Mexico (by GDP)
Idk I guess if the military budget increases significantly more in budget to back fill I’ll believe this. But im pretty sure we’re just giving away old shit that is already being replaced with newer models
Who are we kidding. You think they wouldn’t just create excess anyways?
Yeah or some type of meetup group. Or even something political if that’s your thing.
Not just any Gaza City either. The furthest south one…