Assuming there’s no general computing/desktop mode, I’d expect it to be qualified as a console.
Assuming there’s no general computing/desktop mode, I’d expect it to be qualified as a console.
Man, I’d prefer to have this account on my Xbox account but it won’t let me migrate since I have a different Minecraft account there already. Wish it would just let me throw that one away and link this one in.
We’ve always had super apps that can run a number of 3rd party plugins, they’re called operating systems. /s
deleted by creator
Avelon is also available in the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6450952178
sigh I know they’re describing Mario, but what am I missing here?
Honestly, Meta federating is probably the best chance of Mastodon becoming accessible to the larger public, and I’m all for anything that brings us closer to a world where Twitter isn’t top dog.
And I say this as someone who’s rooting for BlueSky/ATProto, not Mastodon.
Same here, big Pestle fan! Looks native and I love how easy it is to adjust qty and between measurement units.
I thought that was Morrowind on the OG Xbox? Or did they do that on both? Still a hilarious fix, I remember Morrowind taking so long to load and thought it was due to the cheese collection I was building up in Balmora.
I want an ant to somehow launch a planet into my spaceship
Jesus Christ, this man is a criminal Tony Starks
Literally everything Respawn has made has been good.
He doesn’t have a no trade clause, Blazers can trade him wherever they want.
I don’t think it’s happening unless Dame straight retires when he hears a different team is the likely target. I really don’t understand what leverage he has outside of some magical do-what-the-star-requests that other teams have been following for whatever reason.
Any way to get the iOS apps to open Mastodon links by default?
This list is meant to start fights
A quick call out since it sounds like you’re hosting your own instance - you can also choose to host a private version of Wefwef for yourself. Their GitHub has instructions around that, and it may improve performance for you as well.
Former Digg user who migrated to Reddit once everyone stopped posting. I don’t actually remember why though. What did Digg do again that pissed us off? I remember something about the navigation changed that I didn’t like, but it’s all a blur.
Oh wow, totally missed this was coming to Game Pass. How does this compare to Stardew Valley?
I’ll need to double check if it looks like this outside of conversations, but I certainly feel like I’ve been playing a much better looking game than this.
Looks to me like this was cranked to low. About as honest as using a Mortal Kombat 1 screenshot from the Switch, but I guess it’s their fault for allowing people to lower their graphics like this.