Isn’t it great how his reasoning is "well I personally didn’t find it on a parody account so it must have been true!! :( " Fact checking? What’s that?
Isn’t it great how his reasoning is "well I personally didn’t find it on a parody account so it must have been true!! :( " Fact checking? What’s that?
I honestly find it fascinating that you view artists as the “rich kid narcissists” in comparison to AI proponents as more of an everyman. My personal experience is those the most engaged in AI stuff are college educated, often in STEM fields, silicon valley with money types, whereas the generally the working artists I know come from middle income or poor backgrounds. I don’t say this trying to attack you, or invalidate your experience, I’m genuinely curious. Would you be willing to elaborate on why you view them this way?
Because AI bros love the smell of their own farts and they get off by convincing other people that they should also smell their farts. (Only partly /s)
But more seriously, I’d say it’s just a symptom of the world we live in where there is tremendous pressure to commodify and commercialize everything in the most “efficient” way possible, including creativity.
I think Lemmy’s general demographic skews towards techy early-adopters and lots of STEM background folks and it shows with topics like this. I’m not saying that’s a negative thing, just that it’s the vibe here.
Art is just such a broad topic, it gets messy. Plus I think the verbage around discussing it isn’t as universally defined as in other topics. It doesn’t always fit neatly into categories and boxes that can make it harder to have nuanced discussions.
As someone local to the area, it’s telling that the drop box targeted is one of the more urban drop box locations in Clark County. The city of Vancouver itself leans blue, but goes red very quick once you get outside the city. This pisses me off so much, I’ve lived in Washington state since like 2006, and I’d never heard complaints about our voting by mail system from republicans until the big orange turd started his temper tantrum.
Since the fall of Roe v Wade they sure love to shout how “It’s a state’s rights issue.” …so let’s demand the federal government reinstates more stringent rules for dispensing meds on ALL states because apparently teenage pregnancy is actually a good thing now and dis hurts my poor republican fee-fees. Iron clad logic. I might be a little impressed with the level of mental gymnastics these idiots go through if it wasn’t so pathetic and harmful.
Maybe people actually are constantly crying around him?? …Maybe their eyes can’t help but water up because of his reportedly horrible body odor.
Trump’s relationship with Project 2025 is giving Austin Power’s “that’s not my penis pump” scene vibes, but much less amusing.
The unfortunate thing is that I can attest to this whole charade is at least working on some conservatives (ie my dad) who has earnestly told me that Trump said he’s not involved in 2025 and that he won’t implement abortion restrictions at the federal level. So it’s all okay!!! And how that means that I should vote for Trump now…as if that was the one singular problem I have with the perpetual lying cheeto.
Oh dang announcers said Scoot will not return because of an ankle sprain. :/
It’s a small sample size, but from what I saw in pre-season, the Henderson/Ayton connection excites me. Looking forward to seeing how that develops in the regular season.
Alright LETS GO! The Blazer’s youth movement starts here!
YES! I found this community because I was looking for where discussions about it on Lemmy might be. (Other Lemmy community suggestions are very welcome). The time zone difference does complicate things, so I probably won’t catch many of the games in the time slot that is latest for me. There’s still plenty of great matches to watch beside those though.
Yeah Herro is a good player, but as a major core asset in the return for Lillard, he doesn’t strike me as a great value for the Blazers when they already have a guard rotation of Ant, Sharpe, and Scoot in a post-Lillard roster. Obviously getting a third team involved is an option, but the theoretical trade options I’ve seen floated around this scenario still seem light compared to other potential trade packages from other teams. I hope there is a solution where the Blazers are able to do right by Dame AND get a good return. Seems like a pipe dream at the moment.
Lifelong Blazers fan- obviously bummed about Dame requesting a trade, but his position at this point is understandable. It does surprise me how he’s handling it though. Sure there’s going to be lots of chatter and smokescreens (and maybe this news is part of it), but is he really so shocked that there’s teams other than Miami putting in trade offers to aquire a player of his caliber? Not saying the Blazers should totally ignore his wishes but this type of ultimatum of “Miami or bust” puts Portland between a rock and a hard spot.
In terms of sheer hours of use, buying the ad-free version of the app 10 or 11 years ago now was probably the best value purchase I’ve ever made. RIP BaconReader, it’s been a wonderful journey. :(
Trump and his White House is full of weak and pathetic crybabies. How anyone buys into his fake strongman image when he get so pouty and has temper tantrums over the stupidest shit is beyond my understanding.