What automated grocery list in reminders are you referring to?
That would’ve been fantastic to not have to shell out hundreds for his required gen ed
Meanwhile my college professor was the author of the textbook and workbook that were required materials for the class conveniently sold at ridiculous prices in the college book store and could only be used once due to needing to tear out pages to turn in.
Just FYI, I agree that materialist value is not the only value to look for in other people, but “The value is not measured by metrics” doesn’t make sense because metrics are by definition measured.
That is definitely nice! Belt drive sounds pretty nice for sure. Also an internal 3 speed sounds like a perfect number of gears.
Totally forgot that belt drives were a thing honestly lol but that sounds pretty sick! I have heard that belt drives are not quite as efficient as chains at delivering power which can be important if you’re low on battery or something. Is there a noticeable difference for you between the effort you give on a belt drive vs a chain drive?
While you’re not wrong about how humanity isn’t serious about cutting energy use, the lights in taller buildings like I assume these were could equate to much much less energy used when opposed to one or two story buildings surrounded by parking lots that require employees to drive to them.