Are you seeing a counselor already? If not it can be a big help in the interim until you can get medication.
Are you seeing a counselor already? If not it can be a big help in the interim until you can get medication.
The best way to clean glasses is with your fingers using warm water and dish soap. Don’t use super hot water, it can damage the coatings on some lenses. Start with a rinse to remove any particles, then clean them between your fingers, then a final rinse, shake them off and let them air dry.
Using any type of cloth can cause scratches as you’ve found.
There are a lot of 56 year olds in the US with negative net worth. I’m not sure what gotcha you think you’re making.
Idk this isn’t much better lol… RFK still looks like he was left in the air fryer a few minutes too long.
Honestly if you’re still using Momo I pity you 💀
Gimp has a few weak spots but it’s an incredibly capable tool and if you think phone apps can do things it can’t then I don’t think you know how to use it.
A well-documented config file is like the exact opposite of “tech paternalism”.
Windows users are used to everything being so locked down that it’s virtually impossible to mess up your system… lots of this stuff is in config files because exposing it for everyday users would be asking for people to completely brick their workflow.
Sure, I don’t think it’s like toxic or anything, but I also understand why Martin viewed the situation as an impasse requiring a decision from on high. Also, from my limited understanding it sounds like the new code was in a sequestered rust-only section of the dma subsystem, so I’m not clear on exactly what new burdens were being placed on the C dma maintainers.
Brother you literally cannot be pro-capitalist and be left wing.
Yeah, if you’re pathologically afraid of actual communist theory.
Motherfuckers are actually arguing that seeding a torrent isn’t “distributing” unless they can show an instance of someone downloading a book from their IP… If that flies they better overturn every fucking piracy conviction ever.
If you read the article, the main issue is not the fact that it’s Rust itself, but that it’s a second language entering the codebase. There’s definitely some validity to the argument.
My personal view is that any C developer who doesn’t want to learn Rust is going to kick themselves once they do.
To be fair, I’m not sure how “I will do everything in my power to oppose this” is the anti-Rust side “work[ing] towards some resolution”…
Yeah and it was never addressed or really commented on?? The script for the game seems really poorly thought out.
I mean, I would argue that the answer in the OP is a good one. No human asking that question honestly wants to know the sum total of Rs in the word, they either want to know how many in “berry” or they’re trying to trip up the model.
The alternative is normalization of capitalism and the status quo, which is already very much the case in most of society. People are constantly dying and suffering because of capitalism, the bare minimum is constant critique.
Can we not? Like of all the shit to defend…
Your reading comprehension is shit.
The space becomes less and less of an issue the more of your system is in flatpaks, as any shared dependencies won’t be duplicated.