• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Hey I know it’s been a minute. I appreciate all the suggestions! Some of these were already on my radar but no direct experience so, thank you! I’ve decided to grab some of my past 5e characters that I feel I know pretty well, throw together an equivalent in some of these systems, & try to solo them, see what I learn! If anyone wants to recommend good actual plays I’d love it!!? Prefer YouTube over podcast but either will do in a pinch. If I fall in love I’ll definitely come back & share! Happy Gaming!

  • TBH, no rules expert, but I don’t think it from a late out of bounds hit, but you can’t really ever get away with going head-to-head on a QB. No low tackles, stay away from their head, don’t take more than 2 steps, don’t body them to the ground, etc. I think that’s why it was Unsportsmanlike, but I could be wrong.

  • Man our HC & QB got so much class. Everybody saw the same stuff we did, everyone wants to ask them about it, they roll off of it. I love Andy about Pacheco - got to have more composure, “even when they’re shoving his head in the dirt”. & Patrick saying he wouldn’t ever speak out about folks having fire cause that’s where their game comes from. We ain’t gonna get in trouble talking crap but we got our boys back, too.

  • Poor officiating all around left a bad taste in the mouth there. Put a taint on the game for both sides AFAIC. All game long the Packers were wrestling, shoving, throwing guys to the ground after the whistle. Never even brought up, by refs, coaches, announcers. Not just a little, more like consistently.Watch the build up to Pacheco’s ejection, our guy had enough of it & fought back - ejected. No need to talk about the non-calls for PI. Pretty obvious to everyone not in stripes. In fact I’m surprised it was ever called at all because they were blatantly indifferent. I didn’t watch closely but I can’t believe as much blitzing as there was that there was almost no holding calls, something that’s usually called heavily. I can’t say we would’ve won or not except for the bad calls / no calls because they just ruined any chance to see what a fair game would be. There should straight up investigate the ref crew.

  • Considering the PI calls that weren’t made, I’m surprised they called any at all. Seems like it was all open play to the zebras. No talk at all about a couple series earlier when the Chiefs receiver was tackled before the ball was even thrown, ended the drive, Packers go on to score. Hard for me to say one no-call had more impact than the other.