Almost everywhere
yeah, I agree that there are definitely valid uses for clone(). I included it at the top of my table with a bit of humor, hence the smile. Thanks for pointing it out! ^_^
@[email protected] you forgot my fix Filter_removed_comments_from_search #4634
Dude, please stop spreading misleading information about value creation, made up value definitions and hiddenly legitimate crypto claiming out of thin air that people holding it were not scammed/manipulated/fooled, but acquire crypto because of some “value” they see in it
You do know that value is a subjective form of perception right?
No, I don’t. Who told you this crap? Read this, seems you need this right now -> You are welcome
And actually has no mechanism to store value… so called value is based on a pure speculation
I cannot agree, we should try to help people to avoid ponzi. It is hard for people to resist marketing campaigns and opinion leaders trying to involve more people into ponzis
looks pretty ponzi to me, mods comments made things even worse ^_-
Actual comment that triggered ban
Comment they claim they didn’t like
Looks great!
I took some cpp examples as guidance. As for geek for geeks agree, one shouldn’t blindly trust it and better use several sources. Adding more reliable sources is definitely point of improvement. I also used introduction to algorithms paperback book, but was lazy to add it as a source _
Probably the only thing that makes it stable
Bernie Madoff scheme covers both of your arguments: it lasted for ca. 17 years and even seemed quite legit at some point for Wall Street guys.
I think it is a tricky question and the right answer is : No one :)
Oh thats good one
What is the first one?
As any ponzi, it is just matter of time