Buying goodwill from people you would have fired anyway
Buying goodwill from people you would have fired anyway
This could be us
And here’s the rednote post
25 碳氮氧CNO发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 kfBybjKydXzemIJ 😆 http://xhslink.com/a/v4eEP8nPALM4,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!
Since I made that op, here’s a natopedia start
A lib who :woody-guthrie-guitar: is cool with me
It’s amazing how many talented people there are out there just making bad music
Just saw a cool post on rednote explaining the popularity of drinking hot water in Chinese culture. The infographic went on to say that the US dropped biological weapons containing insects on China and Korea during the Korean War (with knowledge obtained from Japanese unit 731 war criminals) and the CPC enacted a campaign to contain these pathogens and inform the populace about the importance of sanitation. To do so, they showed people unboiled water under a microscope, then water after boiling. The results were clear, and providing hot water to people became a way to show concern and care to others.
Edit: here’s the rednote post
25 碳氮氧CNO发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 kfBybjKydXzemIJ 😆 http://xhslink.com/a/v4eEP8nPALM4,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!
A month or so ago I was at a bar that had one of those “ELK HUNTER” games and thought it would be nice if instead of a big plastic rifle, you held a plastic camera and snapped pics of the cute animals palling around instead of blasting them
Oh hey welcome to hexbear new poster
Agreeing with Funky, probably just caught yourself a lib
Idk your circumstance but the city I live in hires lots of civil engineers right out of university, usually ones who interned there
Yeah, it may be a “market correction” of stocks that were inflated, but that’s also how crashes start
real Patriot Act hours. Culture being forcibly sent back to 2003 or so. Dems won’t complain about this cuz they hate the left too
Just wanted to squeak and eat fish
Hey I hate the Yankees too!
A pretty based Controversies section tbh.
I’ve met this turd irl cuz the school I taught at was in his district. He’s a lot like that congressman from Parks & Rec, an empty suit. He replaced the only atheist in Congress, too, Pete Stark
Been thinking this joke for the last few hours
⭐ saved for future watching. TOS failed to hold my attention before, so I’ll try your recs