It is absurd. It’s downright insane. So when he arrives, arrest the genocidal maniac, so Israelis can elect a less absurd leader and start repairing their disgusting reputation.
It is absurd. It’s downright insane. So when he arrives, arrest the genocidal maniac, so Israelis can elect a less absurd leader and start repairing their disgusting reputation.
"on most occasions that you would, if you are reporting on allegations of genocide, you need to provide the other perspective on that.” I’m sure looking forward to reading ABC’s reporting on the other perspective of the holocaust. Or the killing fields of Cambodia. Or the Rwandan genocide… How far the ABC has fallen…
Anyone know which super funds are participating?
Imagine thinking a Trump xweet equates to intelligence.
Most recent reviews are saying it’s tedious and filled with game breaking bugs. If this is a new release after early access, it feels like a cash grab as the developer moves on to other projects.
Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, senior police officers are getting caught drink-driving and receiving a nice holiday on full pay and then reinstated with zero consequences…
Glad to see the NSW Police are taking the accusations of rampant bullying in their ranks seriously. I’m sure this zero zero tolerance policy will make a huge difference. /s
So in America anti-fascists are terrorists and murderous insurrectionists are heroes. Their forefathers must just be spinning in their graves.
“These lies are state sanctioned truths.”
Pirates commenters constantly trying to “morally” justify their action opinion is by far the worst part of all pirate forums.
Its embarrassing how many pirates commenters need the validation of strangers on the internet.
Isn’t there a philosophy forum that these people could spam instead?
Sounds like something out of Mein Kampf.
Musk looking to add to his harem?
Where I come from we call it bribery. And it’s super illegal.
Those damned antisemitic canines!
Do the math with what? Where are the numbers? Last week the libs were calling out renewables costings being x3 what we are being told. When asked if nuclear would be on par or cheaper, crickets. “Costings will come soon”…
The left does care and labor just gained back some ground with a large part of the electorate who were abandoning them. Good work indeed.
Awesome, which side was the dryer on where you lived?
TIL the Middle East was in a vacuum.
Fucking Americans…