The amount of new townhouses in lower Hutt is incredible, most notably along Cambridge terrace. Hundreds of them just along one road.
I believe there’s a lot being built along the river as well.
A sit on top is considered self bailing, so no skirt needed. The paddler sits above the waterline, and there are holes through to the underside of the boat.
It’s not particularly common, but mostly because beginners tend to be out on sit on top boats. Although there was a fatality in Wellington Harbour a few years ago, on Christmas eve, where the paddler had a sit in boat with no spray skirt.
It’s also good information for a sea kayak with bulkheads, you won’t flood the boat completely, but it will be less stable.
They would pick a new one every sailing, if that’s the case.
It’s also possible belching white smoke is the default state of affairs when they first start up, it had more or less stopped not long after I took this.
Ouch. How many units do you have in service?
The weather forecast that Inreach offers is also excellent, hopefully there will be a way to replicate that over cell service.
We’ll find out, I guess.
There is something funny about him just bypassing them, to be honest.
Steering it wasn’t the issue, it was how to actually take control from the autopilot.
Except it was a different failure mode to what they were concerned about.
Third incident, this is the second major fuck up in recent time.
And I was on the boat for the first one.
The title is actually pretty close, it sounds like nobody knew how the helm system worked, nobody had been trained, and people were frantically pressing buttons trying to get control back.
Also, the vessel was doing freight only crossings and taking the long way across the strait via outer Queen Charlotte sound, because Kiwirail didn’t trust the boat, in particular the transmission.
I’m sailing across the strait Saturday, wish me luck!
That system sounds like a bit of a nightmare to use. And worse to turn off.
This was the south coast cleanup trip.
My legs hurt. Amazing scenery though.
Someone’s loaned me a mountain bike, I’ve been out after work a few times this week. I’m saving up to buy my own one soon.
Also, I’ll be helping with the south coast cleanup tomorrow, cleaning up Taputearanga island with the Wellington sea kayak network.
There’s a parking machine on Dixon Street where someone has busted the solar panel, I wonder if it was the same person?
This is an area that’s quite familiar to me, as I’ve done a few circumnavigations of Kapiti, I’ve also landed on Fisherman’s/motungarara before, as well as Brown’s island next to it.
The tides through that area are vicious, to the point where a trip in the area has to be planned around them, you can’t overcome the flow for any length of time, especially for a circumnavigation.
They were definitely lucky to make the island. I wonder where they landed? There are actually houses out there, on the northern end.
Neat. The area around Auckland Airport is perfectly suited for a hovercraft, come to think of it.
And everyone else on that frequency, which would have been a few people if this was broadcast on 16.