effective 😁
effective 😁
Thanks that was an interesting fact. Wiki
thanks for the explanation, finally it clicked
I don’t think that is crucial as you think, unless the safety driver dragged the passenger around…
What you call Byzantine empire didn’t exist as such, they actually referred to themselves Romans. Byzantine Empire is a later term https://byzantinemporia.com/why-is-byzantium-called-byzantine/.
The reference of Eastern Roman Empire is correct, everyone else who claimed to be a continuation is just a stretch though.
Greek yoghurt (first picture) tastes fine with out added sugar but only the normal fat one 5%, if you remove fat then yes you need to add something…
Seems like you are in the good path 😉
What is this referring to Natural sugar or added sugar? Normally the yoghurt doesn’t have added sugars beyond what were presswnt are in the milk originally.
For sauces you can easily read the labels and find which ones contain added sugar, at least in europ it’s mandatory listing that.
It appears a good chunk really loves the racism thingy
That would be wasting money, ships are expensive to charter.
Whoever operates them have every interest to have them moving about.
Yes but they can get quite close to that. And voyages don’t last that long.
Thermodynamics, heat in causes boil off but that takes massive energy to vaporise everything, and it is limited thanks to the good insulation.
Boil off is never vented, it powers the engines. They can also reliquify for some ships at least.
Approximate Intelligence fits just as well me thinks
SBF tried but went too greedy.
Was there an actual spanking, or just figuratively?
the way the door opens I think so