I’m about to graduate with an M.Sc. in Computer Science - can’t wait to be hired as a Senior Engineer!
I’m about to graduate with an M.Sc. in Computer Science - can’t wait to be hired as a Senior Engineer!
In that case I can really highly recommend it. Nixos on the server is fantastic anyways, and the only hurdle to recommending simple-nixos-mailserver is that most people are not familiar with nix… 😄
It’s a bit unconventional maybe, but I vote simple-nixos-mailserver
- IF you are curious / willing to learn nix. It’s essentially just sanely configured dovecot, postfix, rspamd.
My config for those three combined is about 15 lines, and I have never had an issue with them. Slap on another 5-10 lines for Roundcube as a webmail client.
Since it’s Nix, everything is declarative, so should SOMETHING happen to the server, you can be up and running again super quickly, with the exact same setup.
Elon Musk is a Nazi, AND the Chinese government murdered student protestors in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Yep, that’s right. In theory you could share the encrypted DB with the public and not degrade security. (Still don’t do that though…)
Is this some peasant meme I am too NixOS to understand?
(Joking, joking. A good system settings center is important for graphically managed distros.)
Oh shit, yes, hosting at-home and with a non-static IP sounds like hard mode, oof.
I am hosting at a server provider (guess I am dependent on them, but at least it’s on their existence, not on a policy-of-the-day), with a static IP. Had no problems with MS/Google, only with T-online, who wanted me to host a website on the domain with clear contact information.
Fair TBH. It is such a critical service to keep working.
But it does feel pretty amazing to free yourself of the whims of a provider 😅 I assume that’s why you have not gone back either? ^^
I’m using Hetzner in Germany. Need to message them to say you want the relevant ports opened (spam protection measures), happens within an hour usually.
I quite like their service, but of course use full disk encryption etc
Selfhosting. (But I recognize that that is not an option for everyone.)
Huh. I update my revanced YouTube app every 6-9 months
Meh. Each service in its isolated VM and subnet. Plus just generally a good firewall setup. Currently hosting ~10 services plubicly, never had any issue.
Did all that, minus the no ssh root login (only key, obviously) plus one failed attempt, fail2ban permaban.
Have not had any issues, ever
All of them if you configure it?
We were talking about SwiftKey
Who knows?
Unless a piece of software is open source, you cannot know.
Fail2ban allows you set different actions for different infringements, as well as multiple ones. So in addition to being put in a “local” jail, the offending IP also gets added to the cloudflare rules (? Is that what its called?) via their API. It’s a premade action called “cloudflare-token-multi”
A high-quality laptop without any branding.
I’m currently using a 9-year-old, woefully underpowered laptop made by Xiaomi. Full aluminium unibody, and NO logo. Not printed on, not etched in, not glistening only in the right light. NO LOGO.
I’m not a billboard. I’m not responsible for your brand recognition. Ironically though, far more people have come up to me and asked “hey, what laptop is that” than ever would have cared if there was a logo on it.
It also just looks and feels fantastic, all-aluminium-no-logo just looks so sleek.
So yeah. I will not be upgrading until I find another laptop of the same build quality, with no logo. Tuxedo has that option for most of their laptops, but for some reason not for their only current full-aluminium body -.-
Oh, and don’t come at me with stickers.
I switched a couple of months ago, from SwiftKey. Had been using that for ever, long before Microsoft bought it.
NGL, the transition was a bit rough, and the first month my error rate spiked. All good now though, plus Futo has a bunch of super useful features SK never had. Overall, very happy.
Wasn’t really about triggering, I had just seen a post that ChatGPT will refuse to acknowledge that he is one.