Just commit to a different branch, and then rebase to main. If you’re putting this shit into main, it’s not the tool’s fault.
Just commit to a different branch, and then rebase to main. If you’re putting this shit into main, it’s not the tool’s fault.
If you use VSCode, Rest client is so much better than Postman. Requests are simple text files that area easy to edit, version and share with others
I unironically had a screening interview with a recruiter that asked “If you were creating a startup, would you use microservices?”. She didn’t like that my answer was “It depends, I don’t have enough information to answer”.
It’s important to understand that this is not just individual greed. The problem is that greed is ingrained into the system. Capitalism simply does not function without greed.
The only reason shareholders will move their capital is if the company is expected to grow. What is the point in risking your money if there is no profit? This search for infinite growth is what leads to the death of products. It creates different objectives and incentives than simply making a good product that users will pay for and providing a steady job for employees. A situation where the company does not grow but continues to make a good product and pay its workers a decent wage is an acceptable one for everyone except for shareholders.
Executives are just the middle layer between investors and workers. They make sure that investors get their return on investment, since investors don’t really give a shit about the product or even how it operates, they just care about the numbers on the balance sheet. And as someone noted in another comment, they are paid mostly in company stock so that the interests of shareholders become partially their own.
I never knew Google for Jobs existed. I will try it out, hopefully I can get something out of it before Google kills it.
Top 10 on the leaderboard get boosted in job searches.
But in all seriousness, this is why searching continuous growth ruins products. LinkedIn had a decent thing going as a job board a few years ago. Instead of focusing on that experience (which is still surprisingly underdeveloped) it added all this useless shit and became a Facebook with a paper thin mask of professionalism. It is now a place used mostly to spread toxic corporate culture and I dread its logo any time I open it to search for a job.
In a functioning society these fucks would have been sued into bankruptcy for suppressing those studies in the 80s. In our society they can continue to make record profits every year
It looks nice, but you have to sign up for an account to use a terminal app? This is really getting ridiculous
It’s funny how Jesus was actually more reasonable than most conservatives today. If only they actually bothered to read him
Oh, that sounds great!
What does federation for git mean?
Dr Love found the wolves have altered immune systems similar to cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment, but more significantly she also identified specific parts of the animals’ genetic information that seemed resilient to increased cancer risk.
Sounds like more than just started monitoring them
“Solving global warming with a nuclear winter” sounds like a point from the Trump campaign
Anti-consumerism is bad because it would expose the fact that our economy is overproducing shit we don’t need, so we would need a massive reorganization of society. You can tell who that is bad for.
Meanwhile, Jesus in 20 centuries of art:
Academically, you’re right. For practical reasons, you probably don’t care how Simula, E, Lisp and Smalltalk (languages mentioned in that 20 year old article) implement it. This seemed more like a beginner question so I think the Java definition is a good starting point.
There aren’t really that many definitions for OOP; it’s a very consolidated paradigm. This is a short but comprehensive guide: https://www.baeldung.com/java-oop
Imagine being such a niche language that a single job posting makes headlines. In another 10.000 maybe I’ll be able to get a Rust job too.
Look, I get it that it’s trendy to hate on Microsoft, but these complaints don’t even make sense. You complain about requiring an account to contribute, and then you propose some other services that do the exact same thing! Turning github into a 4chan style free-for-all is a terrible idea. Maybe that’s exactly why you VPN got blocked, because it’s enabling spam accounts. And what info are you giving Microsoft to create an account? An email, a password and a username? Not exactly doxxing material, is it? I just searched for some code from one of my repos in incognito and it was the first thing that popped up.
Microsoft is not preventing you from migrating, it’s just that there is no standard for issues, discussions, PRs etc. But every other service has an import tool that can do it if needed. And if you’re only hosting code (doubt) you’re a git remote add & git push away from being free of that evil Microsoft that is hosting all your repos for free.
I hate Microsoft and big corporations just about as much as anyone on Lemmy, but geez, pick your battles people.