the more you know what you are doing the less impressed you are by ai. calling people that trust ai idiots is not a good start to a conversation though
the more you know what you are doing the less impressed you are by ai. calling people that trust ai idiots is not a good start to a conversation though
Second that. AI these days: as if nobody here could create a screenshot from its steam library: like [email protected] already did. I bet prompting AI even took longer to create that shitty version of a steam library.
I find it rather amusing that big servers are optimized to never fail with redundant pdus and fans and the like but as soon as you have to restart such a device, prepare for 10-20 minute downtime.
My take is: before we had ssds so that a shitty configured windows pc could take up to 5-10 mins to boot, that really was a problem. Nowadays, especially were many devices use suspend instead of shutdown and are much faster, not any more.
On the other hand, my fucking smart tv takes 2 minutes to boot and i hate it.
There is a big difference. If a platform belongs to a single entity, you can pressure that entity especially if its profit driven. If there are thousands interconnected platforms that only share an open protocol the most you can do is shutdown a single instance. That’s why an open protocol creating decentralized instances is so much different than a centralized platform. It’s like trying to ban email or censor speak: not that has never been tried, but that is a whole different cup of tea.
Bullshit. Without capitalism we wouldn’t have any of the improvements we have today. It’s a tool, a system to increase wealth. It just is used wrong, because it is way to influential in areas it shouldn’t be able to set the rules.
Think about it, what exactly is wealth? Wealth is good, its just the unfair distribution that’s the problem.
Nothing even comes close to capitalism in creating wealth and advancement
Always has been
I really don’t understand why this isn’t the norm. Capitalism is a tool. You wouldn’t ask a hammer where to hit but it’s totally ok that capitalism is allowed to make its own rules.
Without humans, there is no capitalism. Can we please start to prioritize people and ignore corporate crying. They always cry, it maximizes profit.
Fuck em, use their potential to really help society to create real, sustainable improvements. If everyone follows the same rules, it’s not even unfair for them
It works better of you buy something that has additional positives. Like a new oven and cooking more often or something to do sports.
But ya, I know that feeling.
You haven’t ended suffering if you still crave something, in this case nirvana. I don’t crave nirvana, I am and enjoy what is there and endure what I don’t like. What else is there to do?
I’m not really sure if nirvana is possible and I don’t really care, but I feel and understand the logic behind it. It helped me much in the past.
Everyone has its own path. I wish you well
Life is pain. I have felt the same in the past. Maybe Buddhism could help to understand. It did for me.
from https://www.worldhistory.org/Four_Noble_Truths/:
Life is suffering
The cause of suffering is craving
The end of suffering comes with an end to craving
There is a path which leads one away from craving and suffering
Funny enough, I’m working in IT in government exclusively with Linux for the past 20 years, which shows that indeed it’s possible.
There are a few reasons I don’t believe a petition like this will change a thing though
Why don’t you explain in detail what you mean with “No.”?!
Until then you are just a troll wasting all our time.
Exceptionally well written and interesting blog post. Kudos to FrostKiwi!
So, while the Infinite Monkey Theorem is true, it is also somewhat misleading.
Is it though? The Monkey Theorem should make it understandable how long infinity really is. That the lifetime of the universe is not long enough is nothing unexpected IMHO, infinity is much (infinitely) longer. And that’s what the theorem is about, isn’t it?!
That’s why they invented docker
[email protected] explained above:
The original post only gave half the explanation. It’s not that lead exists in general, it’s that lead exists within zircon crystals.
Under normal circumstances that would be impossible, zircon crystals strongly reject lead atoms as they form. There’s no way to stuff lead into the crystal lattice in the quantity we find them there. But uranium and zircon go together just fine, we just have to wait for it to decay into lead. The trouble is it takes ~4.5 billion years for just half of those uranium atoms to turn into lead. So any zircon crystal we find with half as much lead as uranium must be roughly that old
Linux is pretty forgiving. You don’t even need to use dd, if you know what you are doing you can create a totally new partitioning format and just copy the files. Since getting the fstab just right in that case is more error prone, just using dd is simpler. If using dd, don’t worry, you can resize partition afterwards.
Look: it’s a hat
No, for fucks sake: I have no idea how Linux works and expect to be proficient after I installed ubuntu once. Must be Linux that is bad if my apt repositories don’t work on arch. Fuck it, I’ll go back to windows
It sure is. Just don’t expose the management interface to the internet. And stop using the webserver for configuration, real man use ssh. Have fun