Pretty sure short form content, broadly, fucks people up, and fucked up people are prime targets for conservative bullshit.
Pretty sure short form content, broadly, fucks people up, and fucked up people are prime targets for conservative bullshit.
Rainworld. Despite being a 2d game it captures the feeling of open exploration so much better than anything else I’ve ever played before
Man i couldn’t imagine how workaholics are so broken.
Unfortunately jobs require you to bring in a damn doctor’s note if you take more than a day. No point in taking a sick day if you can’t wait out the entire sick. That wouldn’t be such a problem if healthcare in America wasn’t insanely expensive and often just as dangerous as not getting it. They’re more useful for mental health day than they are for not spreading something.
You realize you can send actual shit through the mail, yeah?
I miss the animation age ghetto, tbh, this new Japanese hate is way more annoying.
That shit was always objectively a bad idea, anyone who bought into streaming games should never have been allowed to be in charge of their own money to begin with.
Man Russia sounds awful, i could find a fully naked party to attend tonight without paying a dime.
Ever play a TTRPG? Give it a try, if you live in an actual civilized place you probably have a local game store and they almost certainly host games. If you live in absolute nowhere like me you could probably find local groups online. And to be clear I’m not talking about dungeons and dragons, despite what people say the ruleset isn’t new player friendly (it’s complicated, the books are poorly edited, missing rules, it’s expensive, etc. etc.).
Try out World (or Chronicles) of Darkness, at a base level they are easier to understand than any other ttrpg i have ever played (with lots of room to get more out there as you play) and it’s got a large community (as far as niche hobbies go). Oh and it’s cheap, Chronicles is best about respecting your money, but generally you only need to buy a single book (the rulebook for the creature you are playing as).
Pathfinder is also a good choice as the second most popular ttrpg and they offer their rules for free online. the second edition is simpler but it does front load a lot of information on you at once (which is a good thing, you won’t have to go looking for edge case rules that don’t exist). First edition is also really good, but it’s more complicated and you might be less likely to find games since the second edition came out.
War gaming could also be a good way to meet people, but i don’t do that as much so i have less recommendations to offer, I’m afraid.
No idea what’s going on here but i think I’m into it
Red, easy. I was raised by total red necks (heh), complete hicks, and it did give me bottom of the barrel ideas about what i wanted to be. I could have healthier habits and work towards a better self earlier. Money? I’ll just be an early Bitcoin adopter and make all the cash I’d ever need. Hell if it came down to it i could make money on the dark web and use my age as a shield and tool. Friends? I could cut out bad friends early and find my future friend group whenever i want, I’d probably even have an advantage since I’m way more of a nerd now (see that first point).
Yeah, you can do that. Bitcoin is anonymous and you could earn it relatively easy when it first came out. If you want to get real fucked up with it you could make even more by appealing to those early black markets and use your age as a cover, but that’s risk.
When a single journo phones in an award it’s called fucking up, when it’s an entire community it’s a meme.
No, we all got that, but it doesn’t make your comment any less stupid
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That really isn’t what that phrase means, taken for granted just means people thought it was a normal part of life. It’s taken for granted now that we don’t have metallic skin and electric eyes, but if we are lucky that won’t always be the case.
It is genocide
If it ain’t teetering on the edge of being censored, it ain’t real.