In the new era where every search engine is garbage because of all the search term bait websites with no real content, at least DuckDuckGo still respects you as a person
In the new era where every search engine is garbage because of all the search term bait websites with no real content, at least DuckDuckGo still respects you as a person
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Imagine if peoples advice was just “oh you’re 21? Life’s over, too late for a career change or self improvement. You’re finished”. Be wary of anyone who thinks they have it all figured out about the “correct” way to live.
Yeah they could have literally just asked any gamer. Most people I know with vr headsets don’t use them, they’re currently an expensive gimmick to play beatsaber on occasion until you get motion sick.
The beauty is there’s no right way to live, because we’re all going to die one day and you won’t be around to care about your achievements or lack thereof. If you want to set those goals and strive for them, go for it if that’s what makes you happy. I had a similar crisis at one point that caused me to go back to school and do a bunch of new stuff I had never done. But eventually, I realized it was pointless to stress too much because there’s no true value, there’s only value to you. For me, that meant spending more time with family while they’re here, and studying things that interested me. If you sit around doing nothing but watch movies for years, but every single day you did what made you happy, how could that be a waste? It can only ever feel like a waste when you compare yourself to others and aren’t confident in yourself. Even if your values changed over time, and now you want to do stuff you never did, go do it! You didn’t waste time before, during that stage of your life you lived how you wanted to.
Events like this are really just a dps check. Most events even on t4 once your build gets going you can kill stuff fast enough to keep them safe. The only time it’s impossible to keep npcs safe imo is when you’re in a dungeon with lots of spiders, because the poison just destroys them while the enemies are already dead regardless of how fast you are.
I agree, seems a waste to make preseason alts. My barb is basically done, probably going to make a rogue for season 1.
I’ve still been getting uniques at a similar rate so I think you’re just having bad luck. That being said I’ve only been doing higher tier nightmare dungeons. From what I remember they buffed helltides drop rates from some enemies I think
These people are insanely stupid if they think any corporation is affected to a degree they would be willing to change their stance on a topic. At best this would be a tiny blip that goes to nothing long term. But what does happen, is the life of working class people on that particular day becomes worse, and ambulances have more traffic to deal with. Do. Not. Block. Traffic. If you want to make a change you make it with votes, that’s what awareness is for.