Tunic has an excellent soundtrack that’s one of my favorites for work music. https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=nnvjKf_mRYM
Tunic has an excellent soundtrack that’s one of my favorites for work music. https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=nnvjKf_mRYM
Do remember which countries?
What We Do In The Shadows reference?
This sketch is my favorite of theirs and never gets old!
Barenaked For The Holidays has some great tracks but Elf’s Lament is my favorite since it’s a cynical take on the commercialism of Christmas. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=M4dxqHmhLaE
Thank you for recommending this! I’ve always liked her song on the Barenaked Ladies Christmas album. Wintersong now has a permanent spot in my Christmas rotation for a relaxing listen.
I’ve yet to watch this movie for 2 reasons.
I’d recommend the Missing Richard Simmons podcast. It’s a miniseries that discusses his legacy and influence. It’s well worth the listen.
I don’t get it.
You’re not the only one. If anything it created what is one of my all-time favorite videos. https://youtu.be/QY5yG2KyQfM?si=IvJWVTm__Tc7RTqM
Nintendo Wii - > Nintendo Wii U. Nintendo 3DS - > New Nintendo 3DS
Thanks I appreciate your insight. I’ll do further research and see if it’s within my scope. My technical experience with cars is limited to changing cabin/engine filters. Worst case scenario it sounds like selling the car as-is wouldn’t be terrible.
I’ve only watched gameplay videos about CD-i games. So far Arzette is charming and fun. It has metroidvania elements with linear areas you explore.
As a Zelda fan, I’m going to experience the CDi games via Arzette which was released recently.
Skux life!
Excellent miniseries! Know of other similar podcasts?
It’s a reference from Better Call Saul.
Seems like it was inspired by Blasphemous. Here’s hoping it’s a solid game.
Potatoes are cheaper, more filling, more versatile, and more nutritious than noodles.
It’s relaxing until the Guardian music kicks in!