What about books by the GOAT Ursula K. Le Guin?
What about books by the GOAT Ursula K. Le Guin?
“Baby, I’m just tired, and it’s making me grumpy.” and without hesitation she told me, “Well I can do something to make you feel better!” so I asked her what, “Draw you pictures at daycare!”, I do enjoy all the art she makes, “How about a hug?” and she gave me a big hug. Suddenly, I wasn’t grumpy anymore.
Awww that is so fucking sweet and amazing
this is a actual reason for “learn to code”. I wish I wasnt stupid
Maybe you should learn to use the internet instead going to youtube for watching anime.
Ty for this and bookmarked
Afro Samurai: it has fucking Samuel L Jackson
This anime has got to be the most over hyped anime.
I honestly think the world would be a better place if USA didn’t exist
Got to 2:55 before I asked myself how are these losers considered funny?
$125,000 for a high end carnival…
just use CPN for these type of bank drops and you will get away free.
I typed “bunny vibe” on youtube thinking i would find the original video and all i got was sex toys
The trailer looks sick
Get fucked zionist scum
My taste is fucked. Can’t drink coffee anymore because it take so bitter
Guys this has been going on for awhile. You can purchase SSN for like 2$ a pop for a US citizens. It cost like 40$ to add YOUR drop address to that SSN # on the credit report from vendors in GTA5
You are right and basic acknowledgement of you helping someone should be normal and good
Shut up, lib
Free speech bitch