Carbon Monoxide 🤢😡👎
Nitrogen 😇🥱👍
Carbon Monoxide 🤢😡👎
Nitrogen 😇🥱👍
Which makes sense because many states require you to be 21 to carry a handgun.
“drinking” culture, “bicycle” culture, “car” culture. It’s just a way to express society’s attitude towards those in animate object, and how our lives are impacted as a result.
Drinking culture in the US determines that you shouldn’t drive while intoxicated. Car culture makes it impossible to get out of the bar withot driving, so it means that the most common way to get your drunk friend home is to call them an Uber.
Suicidal thoughts and homicidal thoughts are very similar to each other. Even if we think of it as “harming only yourself to harming everyone but yourself” our brains think of it as “harm a human” and the target is just switched. Plus, harming everyone around you and getting sentenced to life in prison is arguably a greater “self sabotage” than suicide.
They’ll roll up and broadside you.
Americans: invent machine to boil water
Also Americans: use that machine to boil water
Rest of the world: 😱
Only time I intentionally took a cold shower was after a long bike ride, wearing formal clothing, in the middle of summer. It was freeing and very cold.
S-H-comma to the top-Dynasty
You can be a German living in America. I knew someone who was born in Germany but moved to the US at the age of 3, spoke German at home, visited Germany over the summer, etc.
Very bad. In antiquity, if an army felt personally slighted by a populace, instead of just burning their crops, they would burn and salt the fields. That would prevent the earth from being arable for generations. The salt prevents plant roots from drawing up water, so until the salt is washed away with enough rain (talking tens to hundreds of years depending on how much salt), nothing will grow.
Only the rich get to indulge
Literally 1984
Gah, I should have concurred!
Sig figs!!
70k ft = 21 km
“warm water port” is a term I exclusively associate with Russia, because the only time it was ever mentioned for me was in a world history class, talking about Russian expansion to secure one.
While “port” might be a normal word, the phrase is a key to know where it comes from.
Maybe they popularized fascism, but Marcus Garvey invented it.
It is effective. Machine guns had a similar law placed on them in 1968, now buying one is at least 10k, making it virtually unheard of to be used in crimes, as well as limiting the total number in existence, as some machine guns break beyond repair over time.
One word is the key word, every other word is ranked by relatedness, #300 is the 300th closest word, #1 is the correct word.