Hard? I’d say impossible. To map the position of a certain WiFi network, a physical position is needed, if not with GPS, the only alternative that I see is to insert the address by hand.
Hard? I’d say impossible. To map the position of a certain WiFi network, a physical position is needed, if not with GPS, the only alternative that I see is to insert the address by hand.
Oh, got it. It does make sense!
Ok, got it. I didn’t understand your reply because the OP question was an SSH client that could sync SSH keys and password, not a way to connect to the machines.
The first file is seeding and the second one is downloading at…24Kbps. You should add them to all the possible indexers (I’ve no idea how, sorry).
I use backborg for backups.
I wouldn’t use a storagebox (mounted on your VPS) because you would have data and backup in the same machine (problems with crypto and with human error like: ops, I’ve rm -rf
everything 🙈😆) and with the same service provider.
I’d use Backblaze B2 or Wasabi.
How do you connect to machines with SSH within the Tailscale app? For what I see the Tailscale app doesn’t have any SSH client
I don’t understand your message. What did you wanna say with “proprietary directly” and “unlock Nextcloud”?
That could be a solution, thanks!
Not really.
I want to track orders (when, where, how much, items, for whom, etc.), not packages.
I wasn’t looking for something that advanced, I was thinking about something more simpler where I can manually insert the orders details.
I’ve had a look at awesome selfhosted, but those are ERP, pretty big thing to do what I need. Do you think that those are the only solutions?
😱 Noooooo! 😆
I mean, that would be an easy solution, but being a self hoster, I’m maniac about self hostng everything! 🙈
He didn’t even replied to those who tried to help him.
I don’t understand.
Why @[email protected] ?
Ops. However a small TL;DR would be useful instead of just copying/pasting links.
If the contract says that’s, that’s what he’s owed, otherwise they should fire him for a good cause and risk going to court
“Step down” or “asked to leave”?
Very thorough explanation!
I’ll add a basic info for @[email protected]: every service MUST have a different password (password manager almost mandatory with a VERY strong password and 2FA).
If you’re paranoid like me ( 🙈 ) use a different email alias for each service (SimpleLogin)
It would be nice to read the basic points of your statement, then if someone wants to go in detail, there’s the link to your article.
I think that there’s been a misunderstanding: the OP said that he has no GPS on the device, so I guessed that he wanted to map the WiFi networks, so my comment.