Padded Person

A generally curious person.

Icon is not mine its actually reggie the mouse created by :Whygena just thought it fit the lemmy vibe

  • 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • The biggest concern i have is the gov id thing. Lemmy is not secure and its not meant to be. sending that stuff around through it is begging for issues.

    Realistically i think the restriction on types of content and requiring active reputable sources for each post are on of those things where its “ok” for them to do, and i dont think they should have to host things they dont want to. i do however wish they hadnt branded this as being so open if it was going to be so restricted… i think incidents like this are honestly going to really hurt lemmy adoption overall as users get frustrated, and realize they have to move instances, and hope the next instance doesnt change their rules down the road too.

    The other thing is again while its up to them what they host, i personally cant figuare out why with so restrictive rules anyone would use this over any other instance. with these rules out of instances that allow nsfw this will be by far the most restrictive. even out of those that allow nsfw, but are aiming to be general instances (not porn specific like this one)

  • Yes these are the rules they are planning on publishing. its definitly not a direct qoute, however i wouldnt expect it to be drastically different to this. especially in regards to the “if young looking we check gov id’s” or the list of banned topics. They may loosen on the source rule. however I doubt it as i pushed back very hard on it, and i got outvoted by a wide margin.

    So definitely not verbatim, but its not like im going through and deciding “oh well this is clearly next” everything in the post above was on the last drafted post i saw from them, and the last vote i was a part of (asside from obvious comments like saying furries were heavily discussed (it was, but i dont think they will include that in the rule post))

  • i mean i cant and wont tell you your wrong for what your ok with. However just as a software engineer i will say you should probably be more carefull with who you let store photos of government id’s from a general security standpoint

    Beyond my issues of “I want to be anonymous on the internet, and dont want someone holding what style of porn i like over my head, even if its legal”

    giving out government documents like that can cause serious identity theft issues, and given nothing on lemmy is private any bad actor could start using this server to farm government id’s… even if they move the verification over to matrix, you still have to trust and assume the random internet stranger wont just sell your id’s for a quick buck.

  • yaeh if your looking for “everything allowed” but alot of people ( me included) arent stoked that they allow loli. so far ive been looking at which doesnt have alot of nsfw communities yet but has the following to say on it : 5. Please mark all NSFW communities / posts, and keep in mind we will ban users who post loli/shota, bestiality, CSAM or NSFL content. which like if they mean NSFL like this one does, then its not too much better than existing rules. but it will be a hell of alot better than the new ones (and is slightly better than existing)

  • i think thats fine :3 if you want to put a comment on one of my posts in each ill mod you in each one Edit:had to delete free use and bored and ignored as they will conflict with the rule changes, and just so you know the lost woods will be difficult to moderate as only twilight princess versions of the core folks will be allowed…

  • I was wondering about the “ensuring content is actually deleted” bit, as right now theres a bug causing deleted posts to show for people. That definitly will need to be resolved in terms of auto purging, we would have to look into it, but i would prefer an alternative solution or a higher bar than just certain types of reports ( like suspending the content until reviewed, or autopurging only on a higher number of reports) that way someone cant just take down comunities by reporting everything.