I KNOW he can get the job. But can he DO the job?
I’m not arguing that with you!
I KNOW he can get the job. But can he DO the job?
I’m not arguing that with you!
And now you’re even older.
And NOW you’re even older.
It’s the echo that sings “I want my M-T-Vvvvvvvvvvv” right before the guitar riff kicks in.
Ah-yep that’s what I’m thinking of. Thanks.
You! Foot warrior. Have these two revoked.
I Think Leazel is a traditional German/Austrian name. Wasn’t one of the Von Trapp kids Leazel?
If you are considering either sleeping beat dunes or pictured rocks I would suggest taking the MI route instead of Wisconsin. Less traffic through Chicago and Milwaukee. The drive up the coast on US131 or US31 follows Lake Michigan the whole way and has beautiful scenery.
Yes, but the shell of Christmas is like a gelatinous blob that swallows everything around it. Look at how many perfectly good winter tunes have been corrupted into being slaved to Christmas. Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bells (written for Thanksgiving), Frosty th Snowman. The list is endless.
Yes, but the shell of Christmas is like a gelatinous blob that swallows everything around it. Look at how many perfectly good winter tunes have been corrupted into being slaved to Christmas. Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bells (written for Thanksgiving), Frosty th Snowman. The list is endless.
It’s like Sputnik! Quite spherical but pointy in bits.
Where I live we are allowed to smile for a driver’s license, but not a passport photo. I think it’s because when you are traveling long distances you are going to look miserable so your passport has to reflect that.
Live in MI. I walk a ton, but the closest dedicated coffee shop (Bigby) is 1.5 miles from me. There are, however, two restaurants that will also serve me coffee within .125 miles.
First, I agree with everything you typed. BUT
Second, “a little fortress of solitude and separates me from the public” is kinda the problem we have that leads to the top part of the picture. We in the West in general and the United States in particular have lost our sense of community. My car by myself listening to what I want in solitude is AWESOME, but stopping to sit and be part of a community is probably better for me.
“dyspeptic liver of a brain”
I didn’t know he was a Vogon. It explains so much!
I can agree with most of what you wrote. I’m not entirely convinced the life +70 protections for some things is wrong. An artist should have control over their work, but once they pass things need to become public domain. I’ll go one step further and say that no one should be able to own things they didn’t create or commission. The Happy Birthday story is a prime example.
Ideally I’d just be able to pay you.
Yeah, but think of the calories burned!
Sounds an awful lot like Nebula.
Culturally irrelevant or culturally apathetic?
I don’t give two shits about being “relevant” I just get shit done.
Alzire Maheu in Germinal. Thinking on it now maybe that’s one of the reasons I’m pro union