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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I really don’t think I’m the person to be giving advice, but I can shed some light on a few of these things.

    First of all regarding your job, you shouldn’t have to answer to anyone about it. The real question is if it makes you happy or leaves you feeling content. As long as you don’t hate what you do, I say that’s a win for now.

    For making friends, the only suggestion I have would be to find a social hobby. My most recent one is disc golf, but there are people out there playing pick up games in any sport, there are rec leagues out there for softball and kickball. Something like that. (Remember, you don’t have to like everyone there. Just talk about what interests you and if there’s no spark, move along.)

    Mental health is weird. We’re all learning more every day. All I can say about that is move at your pace, celebrate every victory no matter how small, and try to learn something every day.

    I hope that my advice helps or at least didn’t hinder. Either way, keep your head up. Find something that makes you happy and do that.

  • Regulations for everything would not allow the greedy pigs to make their own rules. What you’re asking for is that they gain some sort of heart and start valuing something other than their products. That won’t happen. I really think regulation is a better plan because it’s creating laws that cap profits. Then we can hit em with their own medicine and up the minimum wage too. Maybe even put a maximum wage out there.

    Maybe I’ve seen too much star trek and I’m believing that the socialist/communist utopia exists out there someday. Maybe I’m crazy. All I know for sure is I don’t like the hand I was delt and it’s way too hard to fold.

  • Getting paid better would be nice, but that will just bring the middle class closer to poverty. I’ve been a part of this community for a few years now and I have been fighting for better wages this whole time. But the biggest pain to me is inflation. Things keep costing more and more, but I keep making the same amount of money. Wouldn’t price regulations be a better solution to all of this to all of this? Not trying to start a fight, but looking for a slight skew from the topic.